Many of the credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which Wise Bread receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). This site does not include all credit card companies or all available credit card offers. Any opinions expressed are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, endorsed, or provided by the issuer.
In my mail this week I received a “Rewards Guide” from two of my credit card companies. These guides are brightly colored, well-laid out catalogs explaining all of the rewards available to me. In looking through the catalogs, I realized that there was a lot I didn’t know about my cards. (If you’re wondering what types of rewards your card might offer check out the Ultimate Guide to Credit Card Rewards.
As part of annual financial planning, it seems that a good plan is to conduct an annual credit card rewards review.
Here are some things I learned in browsing the catalogs I received and the actions I will take from learning them:
Each year my credit card companies send annual statements of how much I spent in various categories. Look through yours to see if you are really spending money on the cards that will give the best benefits in those categories.
If you find that there is a reward with one card that you aren’t taking advantage of, or that you are always using a certain card that isn’t giving you many rewards, make a conscious mental note and do something differently this year. Maybe that means leaving a useless card at home, or changing your Amazon account to charge to a different card.
I don’t advocate that you spend an entire day conducting an annual review of your credit card rewards, but the amount of both money and hassle you can save by using the right card and the right time can add up. So take an hour from your day, see how many rewards you are earning, and figure out if you can do anything differently this year.
These are all good points. The other thing you can to is set up calendar reminders to sign up for bonus rewards programs if you have Chase Freedom or Discover or any other card that makes you opt-in for the extra bonus. A few minutes of set up could yield a much higher reward.
we no longer use credit cards. However, right before we canceled one of our cards I noticed rewards points at the top. I looked it up online and found that I could request $50 gift card. Not much, but I'm glad I saw that before we canceled it.