Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Don't Fall for These Black Friday Myths

Today we found articles on major Black Friday myths that retailers want you to fall for, ways to avoid paying bank fees, and things that we’ve been doing wrong all our lives.

2010 Predictions from Wall Street and Main Street: Who's Smarter?

Every December for the last five years Money Talks News has hooked up with David Wyss, the chief economist for giant research firm Standard & Poors. We sit him down in a studio and

9 Hidden Health Benefits of Living on the East Coast

The East Coast may not boast year-round sunshine, but there are all sorts of hidden health benefits to living in this part of the U.S.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/20, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: How to Be a Financial Grownup! Join our conversation with Bobbi Rebell for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #FinancialGrownup to participate!

You did WHAT with my SSN?

My bank thinks I should feel comfortable with one of their employees toting around a personal notebook containing my social security number. Should I?

9 Amazing DIY Lamps You Want in Your House

If you can't find an affordable lamp that's perfect for your space, make one! These nine easy lamp projects can get you started.

The Smart Way to Pay for Cell Phone Service

Prepaid month-to-month or postpaid on contract? The smarter, cheaper option may surprise you.