Best Money Tips: Awesome Perks That Come With Your Plane Ticket


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on awesome perks that come with your plane ticket, how to avoid a boring life, and mid-afternoon habits to get you through the day.

Top 5 Articles

5 Awesome Perks You Didn’t Realize Come with your Airplane Ticket — Going on a long flight? JetBlue offers free DirectTV for their passengers! [SheBudgets]

4 Tips on How to Avoid A Boring Life — Overcome your fears and take on new challenges! [Pick The Brain]

Midafternoon Habits That Will Get You Through the Day — Step outside for some natural light! The heat and vitamin D will make you feel more energized. [PopSugar Smart Living]

12 Ways to Save a Bundle on Back-to-School Stuff — The average family with kids in K-12 is expected to spend $600 on school supplies…but you don't have to! Follow these tips to equip your kids without going broke. [Money Talks News]

3 Disastrous Ways To Get Rid of Student Loans — There are a number of good ways to pay off your student loans — using your home's equity is not one of them. [A Debt Free Stress Free Life]

Other Essential Reading

7 Things to Know Before Opening a Joint Bank Account — Joint accounts can be useful if two (or more!) people have a shared savings goal, but there are a few ways a joint account can turn into a major headache. [Cheapism]

15 Things I Learned About Money in 15 Years of Marriage — When it comes to money management, it's important to be in the same page — but it's also OK if you approach money differently. [Northern Cheapskate]

The '9 to 5' job is going extinct — Even people who have a traditional 9-to-5 schedule may work remotely or check work e-mails outside their regular hours. [The Monitor]

8 Types of Information You Should Capture Every Day — Capture the steps and details when you solve a problem in case you need to do it again at a later time. [Time Management Ninja]

4 Battles That Are and Aren't Worth Fighting With Your Preschooler — There's no harm in leaving the house with messy hair, but it's important to put your foot down on hygiene matters like toothbrushing and bathing. [Parenting Squad]

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