Best Money Tips: Carry a Water Bottle to Save Money


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share with you the savings in a water bottle, cheap ingredient substitutions, 15 out-of-the-box ways to use petroleum jelly, and more!

Top 5 Articles

Save Money by Carrying a Water Bottle — "If you spent just five bucks a week on water and soda, you'd save $250 a year by using a water bottle instead." Get Rich Slowly

Cheapskate Ingredient Substitutions — "Chicken broth and beef broth can be replaced with vegetable scrap broth or 1 tbsp soy sauce diluted with water for each cup." Penniless Parenting

15 Uses for Petroleum Jelly — "Rub it on your hands to form an invisible glove for your next paint job or dirty chore. " Frugal for Life

DIY: How to Make a Supermarket Bouquet Look Like a Million Bucks — Look outside for tons of free filler material. Frugal Upstate

Choose to Spend Time on High Impact Activities — "In the context of blogging, the highest impact activity that you can spend your time on is writing." Dumb Little Man

Other Essential Reading

The 11 Best Short Term Investments for Your Money — "Short term investing allows investors to invest their money with little or no risk, while knowing their money is not going to be tied up for long periods of time." Good Financial Cents

Six Things Your Parents Never Taught You About Money — "Most parents try to teach their kids about money such as how to make it and how to manage it but only life experience can give us the full picture." Free Money Finance

TV Service Doesn't Have to Be Expensive — "If you are not a huge watcher, and you do have that all-important HDTV, you can get local channels by using an antenna." MoneyNing

4 Stash Your Cash Deals Most People Haven't Heard Of — "Sallie Mae Bank is an FDIC-insured bank that offers a very competitive 1.40% APY in their online savings account." My Money Blog

Tips for Paying Off Student Loans — "If all else fails, try negotiating with the loan company to get a lower interest rate." Rich Credit Debt Loan

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Julie Rains's picture

I found the water bottle recommendation intriguing -- I have several to accompany me on cycling and biking trips, and my husband uses these to refill at work; not something I thought of as a tip but a natural habit...until volunteering at a homeless lunch/party last weekend manning the drink table, and noticed that a couple of people had bottles to refill at will, a few made makeshift containers (out of empty 2-liter drinks or gallon jugs), but most just kept coming back for refills distributed in small amounts. Not sure about the mechanism for keeping it clean but I thought it would be a wonderful item for the homeless to have for easy water refills in the summer heat.