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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Filler Strategies for Amazon’s Free Super Saver Shipping

Here are my top three ways to find filler items on Amazon to get you to that magical $25 total.

The 5 Best Electronics Wipes

Keeping your touch screens clean isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these electronics wipes and you can scroll without catching all those germs.

7 Countries Where You Don't Have to Tip at Restaurants

Maybe you hate tipping or maybe you just don't like doing math. Either way, in these popular travel destinations, the gratuity is already covered.

How to Visit Museums for Free

Whether you're interested in art, science, or history, there are several ways to visit some of the most entertaining and informative museums for free.

25 Gifts That Save Money

Want to go a step beyond gifts that are useful? Every single one of the items on this list can help save money. Now THAT is a gift that keeps on giving.

Cut Your Electric Bill With Solar Panels

Solar panels can reduce your electricity bill, increase your home's value, and reduce your carbon cost to the environment. Here's how to get started.

Tips For Eating Out Cheaply

My husband and I eat out quite often because we just do not have the time and energy to cook on most weekdays. Even though we go out three times a week or more, we do not really s

8 Costly Flight Booking Mistakes You Make All the Time

If the friendly skies aren't so friendly to your wallet, these flight-booking hacks will help.

How to Agree on the Perfect Home With Your Spouse

If your dream home is your spouse's worst nightmare, you'll need to find some middle ground before you're move-in ready.

When to Use Savings to Pay Off Debt

One of the most common questions over on the Wise Bread forum is some variation on, "I have $X in savings but $Y in credit card debt. Should I use the savings to pay down the debt?

Avoid These 7 Things When Living With Roommates

It's not easy making the rent, and for many, roommates are unavoidable. Let's try to make this arrangement as painless as possible, shall we?

4 Ways Couples Can Tackle Money Goals Together

If you really want to win at marriage, you need to make "money goals" your new "relationship goals."

Don't Panic! How to Meet a Deadline

You can't cheat time; and hair pulling, sweating, and crying won't get it done, either. But you can meet a tight deadline with one or more of these tips.

3 Ways Your Credit Card Rewards Can Make You Rich

Here are 3 ways you can turn your credit card cash rewards into wealth.

8 Charities You Can Trust With Your Holiday Donations

The farther your charitable donation goes, the better. Check out these great nonprofits who could use your helping hand.

10 Ways Even Shy People Can Fake Confidence and Get Ahead

Fake it 'til you make it is a lot easier said than done. Even shrinking violets can exude confidence with these simple posture and speech hacks.

6 Steps to Getting a Credit Card When You Have Bad Credit

Bad credit might get in the way your financial goals, but it doesn't have to keep you from getting approved for a credit card.

Foraging for Food: The Hunt For The Wild Mushroom

It’s early May, and the river bottom is full of new life. Not just rabbits, snakes, and chicks, but also brand new morel mushrooms. This tasty treat is as much fun to find as it

25 Career Changes You Can Make Today

Don't complain about your job without doing anything — make a positive career change right now with one (or more!) of these techniques.

How to Find Free Campsites in the U.S.

Looking to save money on your next camping trip? Here's how to book a campsite that's completely free.