Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Wisdom from My Favorite Frugal TV Character - Julius Rock

My favorite cheap TV character is Julius Rock from Everybody Hate Chris. Julius is a character based on Chris Rock's father and in almost every episode of the show his fruga

12 Easy Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt

Completing college is hard enough without the mountain of debt that usually follows. Here's how to get the education without the financial stress.

That "What if you knew you were going to die" question

You've no doubt seen the question in many different forms. Sometimes it's, "What would you do if you learned you were going to die tomorrow?" Other times it's "What would you do

How to bake sourdough bread (and save a buck on every loaf)

I doubt if the cost of yeast is really breaking your household budget. If you bake a lot you probably already buy yeast in bulk, so you're not paying the per-packet price anyway.

10 Steps to Update Your Look on a Budget

Have nothing to wear? Use this simple plan to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

Don't Go to College to Learn

There are good reasons to go to college. And, if you do go to college, you will no doubt learn a lot. But you can learn anywhere — and probably learn more, better, and fast

10 Things You Did Wrong at Your Last Job Interview

Have you landed a couple interviews, but never the job? Maybe you're committing one of these common job interview mistakes.

5 Reasons Everybody Needs an Elevator Pitch — Even You!

Sometimes you only get one shot — and that's exactly why you need to craft the perfect elevator pitch.

Best Money Tips: How to Improve Yourself — Constantly

Today we found articles on ways to constantly improve yourself, how to save money on home repairs, and ways to save money by taking a vacation.

Stuck at the Airport? Relax With These 14 Easy Self-Care Tricks

Being stuck at the airport is no fun, but these self-care moves will keep the stress at bay.

How to Save Big on Last-Minute Travel

The early bird always gets the worm, right? Wrong! There are plenty of ways to save big on last-minute travel.

5 Financial Steps to Take After Graduating From College

Trying to find a job after college can be intimidating enough — forget about getting control of your money. But these five steps make financial independence simple.

Reach Your Money Goals Faster With a Simple Naming Trick

Mortgage repayment, emergency funds… these things may not be "fun," but a cheeky approach to banking can make them a whole lot less stressful.

9 Restaurant Secret Menu Items That'll Actually Save you Money

Hack the menu at your favorite spot and save some money on your next meal or drink. You'll never order the same way again.

3 TV Must-Haves Once You Cut the Cable Cord

Cutting the cable cord is a great way to save money. These services and gizmos will make the snip a snap.

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

How to Buy Used Furniture

With so many people listing their used furniture for sale, why not give it a try? We’ve got the tips you need.

9 Ways Being Too Responsible Can Cost You

It's always smart to do the sensible thing, right? Usually — until being sensible starts costing you real money.

6 Tools That Stop Computer Distractions and Help You Stay on Task

Oh, soooo cute! It's a GIF of a kitten playing with a shiny button! Defend your focus and your productivity with this collection of distraction smashers.

6 Ways NOT to Spend Your Credit Card Rewards

Earning credit card rewards is a key benefit of buying with plastic. Just make sure you choose rewards that have all the value you earned!