Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways to Age Well for $0

Good news! Some of the best ways to access the fountain of youth are completely free.

How to Determine If Your Finances Are Ready for a Big Purchase

A home, a car, the latest pricey gadget — before you commit to buying, you better make sure you can afford such a large purchase.

5 Best Websites to Help You Retire Early

Everybody dreams of retiring early, but few of us actually do it. These retirement finance experts can show you the way.

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Gift Cards

Ah, the simple gift card — what did we do before them? Whether you're the gifter or the giftee, here's how to wring every cent out of them.

The 5 Best Oil Absorbing Sheets

Keeping your skin fresh and clear isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these oil absorbing sheets and your skin will remain clear while keeping your makeup in place.

The 8 Best Ways to Save on Back-to-School Supplies Right NOW

Is it already time to start thinking about back to school? It is if you want to save money!

Can I Eat This? A Quick Guide to Expiration Dates and Food Safety

Food waste costs consumers billions every year, and the culprit is confusion about expiration dates. Find out what you can still eat, no matter what the carton says.

10 Ways You Disrespect Your Money

Look after your money and it'll look after you. Mistreat it, and it'll do the same to you.

When You Should and Shouldn't Rent

There are many great debates in the world: The chicken or the egg? John or Paul? Should you rent or not? This helps answer one of those.

7 Things You Need to Know About Investing in Company Stock

Your employer is offering you company stock. Is it a good idea to pad your portfolio with it?

Cool & funky things I found FREE on Craigslist

It's amazing what people will throw away these days. Or give away. And that's why I'm a huge fan of Craigslist . [more]

Being Frugal Without Giving Up Your Social Life

Despite what some people think, you don't have to be a hermit to be frugal. Learn how you can have a fun social life AND maintain your budget.

10 Places to Go for Inspiration

Got a problem at work? Need to find a new creative project or hobby? Get up, get out, and go find your muse in one of these inspiring places.

It Pays to Be True to Your School: 5 Ways Your Alma Mater Can Save You Money

Alumni associations are doing everything they can to make things better for graduates of their college during this difficult time. Some of the savings are pretty substantial.

7 Things Financial Advisers Wish You Knew About Retirement

You don't need a crystal ball to plan your retirement. You just need to listen to your financial adviser.

Micro-Prepping: How to Prepare for Small Disasters

Are you prepared for even a small disaster? Micro-prepping will get you there.

23 Cheap Summer Date Ideas

Romantic dates in the summertime don't have to cost much at all.

How to Buy a New Computer Without Breaking Your Budget

Yes, you can buy a new computer without destroying your budget.

How to Get Out of Social Obligations That Break Your Budget

Stressed out over how to handle those birthday parties, weddings, and social invites you can't afford? Learn how to bow out gracefully.

How Small Business Credit Cards Affect Your Personal Credit

Those small business credit card offers sure are tempting. Understand the risks to your personal credit before you sign up.