Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Crime Scene Cleaner and 4 Other Trades That Pay Surprisingly Well

They make lack glamour, but these five careers pay pretty well, actually. Time to get to work on your resume?

How to Buy All That Stuff the Police Seize. And It's Cheap.

Here's a terrific site that lets you bid on all sorts of great stuff at silly prices.

Lose Your Job Without Losing Your Identity

Getting a pink slip can cause more distress than just a shrinking income. It can also give you a sense of insecurity and may make you question your place in this world. Here are

How to Escape the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle

Living the paycheck-to-paycheck life is stressful and miserable. But here's a way to escape!

10 Clever Ways to Keep Cool When It's Stupid Hot Out

It's almost July and that means it's hot out for most of you. Keep your cool without losing your shirt with some clever hot air hacks.

Don't Let These Expenses Spoil Your Retirement Abroad

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy, especially if you move abroad. Don't get stuck facing these large unexpected (and stressful) bills

33 Ways to Feel 10 Years Younger

Feel younger immediately with these easy tips you can try today!

Things You Must Know to Protect Yourself in an Auto Accident

Don't make an auto accident worse by causing more harm — whether to you, or to your insurance rates. Here's how to prepare for an accident, and what to do after.

How to Save 20-100% on Textbooks

Textbooks have nearly tripled in price since 1987 while inflation has increased by only 72 percent. In fact, depending on where you go to school, the cost of textbooks be from 25%

25 Fun, Frugal Things to Do Tonight Besides Watch TV

Get up offa that couch, switch off the TV, and spend some quality time tonight with your family or your finances or your favorite loyal friend.

How to Avoid a "Sweetheart Scam"

Sweetheart scammers have been around forever, but social media and the internet have broadened their reach. Learn how to protect your heart, and your wallet.

The Fallacy of Multitasking

Think twice before you put "good at multitasking" on your resume — that just means you're good at being distracted. Here's how to actually work efficiently.

9 Ways to Lose the Clutter and Keep the Memories

You don't treasure all those knick-knacks — you cherish the memories they conjure. Here's how to clear the clutter and still keep what matters.

Investing 101: 5 Essential Steps

Investing can be one of the most intimidating parts of personal finance. But if you follow these five steps, you'll be on your way to smart, sound investing.

4 Signs Your Emergency Fund Is Too Big

Your emergency fund is stocked. Would your extra dollars better serve you elsewhere?


Want free access to the more multi media than you can handle? Get yourself to your public library before the powers that be close them all down...

The 5 Best Electric Griddles

Who doesn't love the smell of bacon first thing in the morning? With any of these electric griddles, you can make every meal the best meal ever.

8 Ways to Reduce Mortgage Closing Costs

Mortgage closing costs can add up to thousands of dollars. Discover how you can easily and drastically reduce these costs.

5 Ways to Live Bank-Free

One in 12 Americans lives bank free — by choice. Find out how they do it so you can, too!

Best Credit Cards for (New) Parents

Having kids changes your spending habits. Shouldn't your credit card change to match? Here are five smart cards to switch to post-baby.