Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Money Mistakes at 20 That Will Land You in Debt by 30

We all make mistakes in our 20s — but these money mishaps could lead you straight to your debt-ridden 30s.

Pick Up One of These Frugal Hobbies This Weekend

Battling boredom can bust your budget, briskly. Fill your you time with fun, cheap hobbies that can improve your life, and maybe even your finances.

6 Ways the Sandwich Generation Can Get Ahead

The Sandwich Generation — those stuck caring for growing kids and aging parents — face big financial challenges. Learn how to survive the squeeze.

The 6 Monthly Telecom Bills You Can Negotiate

Tired of being gouged by your Internet, cable, or wireless provider? Pick up the phone!

8 DIY Backyard Home Improvements That Save You Big

Summer's around the corner, which means extra hours in the day for home improvement. Spruce up your backyard with a spiffy and affordable project.

Surprising Things That Can Kill Your Credit

We're all familiar with the damage a late payment can do to a credit score. But there are plenty of other credit-sinkers you might not know about.

Wanna Put Away Some Cash? Take A Vacation!

A cruise to the Bahamas or a trip to that luxury spa aren’t going to get you ahead financially. However, if you’re looking to sock away a coupl

7 Smart Money Challenges You Can Totally Do

Want to save some serious cash this week, month, or year? Well, have we got some challenges for you!

5 Cheap International Vacation Destinations

These budget vacation destinations provide all of the culture and scenery you crave from international travel without the cost of big-name spots.

The 5 Best 9 Volt Batteries

If your battery-powered appliances are fading fast, quality 9 volt batteries are what you need. Upgrade to one of these next time you need to replace them.

Reverse Bucket List: Look Back Before Looking Forward

Before you make a “bucket list” of things you want to do in life, don't skip this vital first step — it could be the key to happiness.

10 Tips for Landing the Perfect House-Sitting Gig

Want to travel around the world and stay in great houses for free? It's simple — house-sit. Follow these suggestions to get started.

4 Coupon Rules That Stores Let You Break

Couponing is an art form. Know how to bend these rules, and watch the savings follow.

How One Nice Thing Can Ruin Your Whole Budget

This is precisely why we can't have nice things.

How Paying Attention to Detail Saves Your Finances

One of the easiest ways to keep your finances on the up and up is to simply pay attention.

Free Preview of Refund Cents Website – Extended for Wise Bread Readers ONLY!

Sadly, several of you have let me know that you missed the brief window to try out Refund Cents. We have gotten permission to offer an exclusive new preview to our readers, good u

What a New Baby Really Needs

If you don't want to break the bank getting ready for your new baby, check this list for the items that are truly essential — and those that can be ignored.

Is Dollar Cost Averaging the Right Strategy for You?

Want to invest a lump sum while cutting down risk? Dollar cost averaging may be your move.

The Best Credit Cards For Military Personnel and Families

Military families can get special benefits from credit cards, such as waived annual fees. Check out these great cards for service men, women, and their families.

5 Money Moves to Make Even If You Don't Plan to Buy a House

Getting a mortgage isn't the only reason to keep your finances in tiptop shape. You should make these money moves even if you plan to rent forever.