Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save On Summer Gear?

Tell us how you save on summer gear and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Terrible Work-From-Home "Jobs" You Should Avoid

Bad news: If a work-from-home job seems too good to be true, it probably is.

25 Ways to Say Thanks

A sincere "thank you" can mean a lot — here are 25 wholehearted, creative, and frugal ways to make it happen.

Follow These 5 Credit Card Rules When Traveling Abroad

Travel is fun, and if you budget and plan well, it's affordable. Just don't let bad credit card habits eat up all your hard won savings.

The First Step to Budgeting

Why do so many budgets fail? Because the first step to budgeting is omitted. When implemented correctly, it can make a huge difference. When the first step is neglected, intangible

What Happens to Debt After Divorce?

Divorce doesn't only involve the distribution of assets; it involves the distribution of debts, too. Here's what to expect when you untie the knot.

Cut Your Electric Bill With Solar Panels

Solar panels can reduce your electricity bill, increase your home's value, and reduce your carbon cost to the environment. Here's how to get started.

Tips For Eating Out Cheaply

My husband and I eat out quite often because we just do not have the time and energy to cook on most weekdays. Even though we go out three times a week or more, we do not really s

4 Surprising Reasons to Always Use Your Credit Card

Did you know that your credit card has built in protection for your purchases?

4 Ways to Bounce Back From Job Rejection

Your interview went aces and you were already planning your commute to your new gig — then nothing. Redirect that rejection to something better.

Clutter-Free: The Zero-Accumulation Household

Examine the best ways to embrace a zero-accumulation lifestyle and live clutter-free!

Sell Your House Faster With These 6 House Flipping Tricks

Ready to sell your house, fast? Try these expert moves house-flipping pros love. You'll get a great sale in record time.

19 Ways to Reuse Old Towels

Towels ready for the trash? Think again! From easy household helpers to sew-and-go fashions, these projects will give new life to your old terrycloth.

What was your best purchase in the past year?

This week, Wise Bread writers share our favorite purchases from the past year. Being frugal isn't just about saving money--it's about spending wisely. Shopping isn't a sin, and fru

“I see dumb people” – Learn to cold-read like a so-called “psychic.”

I don’t believe in psychics, palm readers, telekinesis or mediums. Not because I’m a huge skeptic but because I’ve been researching them for years and have found NO evidence that t

5 Websites to Book Cheaper Travel Packages

Looking to book an affordable travel package? These sites will help you find the best possible deal.

How to Evaluate a Neighborhood Before You Buy

When you move into a new place, you're moving into a new neighborhood, too. Discover how to find out if it's right for you before you buy or rent.

8 Awkward Money Moments Everyone Has at Work

You go to work to earn money, but it's also a place where you can spend it. And sometimes, things can get a little weird.

Weak Credit? You Can Still Get a Mortgage Despite Tough Lending Standards

Your credit score has seen better days, but that doesn't mean you can't get a mortgage. You have options!

6 Things to Consider Before Making a Big Purchase for Rewards Points

Paying for a home renovation with a rewards card could earn you a free vacation -- or lots of cash back. Be sure you understand the pitfalls before you dust off your card.