Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Sell a Car Without a Title

Ready to sell your set of wheels, but can't find the title for the life of you? You've got a few options.

Build a Better Budget in 5 Minutes Flat

Creating a basic budget truly is simple and easy, and so is maintaining it afterward. What are you waiting for? Take five minutes and start budgeting!

5 Ways to Pay Off Your Student Debt Faster

If you're one of the 40 million Americans with student loan debt, you can save more in the long run by getting smart about saving, spending, and earning.

10 Fun Hobbies You Can Take Up for Free

You could kill a couple of hours every evening watching the tube. Or you could take up one of these fabulous, fun, and free pastimes.

7 Smart Reasons to Retire Abroad

If you're on the fence about where to enjoy your life after work, one of these great reasons to retire abroad may be all the push you need.

How to Plan for a Forced Early Retirement

Eighteen percent of Americans are forced to retire early. Are you prepared for an early retirement?

How Just $5 a Day Can Improve Your Financial Future

Want to improve your financial future? All you need is $5 per day.

8 Times to Avoid Dividend Stocks

Dividends can be a neat way to watch "free money" roll in, but beware. Sometimes you're better off without the cash.

10 Surprising Ways a College Education Will Improve Your Life

You'll spend a lot for a college education — maybe too much. Besides a shot at a job with a decent income, what else are your student loans buying?

12 Expert Tips for Redeeming Miles for Free Travel

Your dreams of seeing the world don't have to drain your savings. Become a frugal jetsetter with a little help from some credit card reward experts.

9 Ways Money Does Buy Happiness

Money can't buy happiness? Maybe you just don't know where to shop.

6 Times When It's Okay to Take a Loan

There's nothing frugal about borrowing to support a lavish lifestyle. But for essential big purchases, it's okay to visit your bank.

7 Surprising Ways Retirement Has Gotten Easier

Good news, older Americans; retirement is better than ever.

How to Benefit From Rising Interest Rates

Rising interest rates aren't all bad. Here's how to make rate hikes work to your favor.

5 Things to Avoid Before You File Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is trying enough already. Don't make it worse by making one of these mistakes.

Getting it Done at Dollar Tree

While dollar-priced retail chains are nothing new, the Dollar Tree stores in particular have caught my attention as having a few categories of coolness. So what do I find there tha

Behold: The Secrets of the Grocery Store

A trip to the grocery store may be a hit or a miss, depending on your perspective. Some people love going to the store each week and others detest it with a passion. But there are

How To Write A Resume: 12 Steps To Your Next Job

Self-promotion is not easy. Whether you're a high six-figure consultant, or earning $10 an hour in retail, you still have to talk about yourself in the right way. And one of the ke

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Homemade Gluten-Free Noodles

You don't have to give up noodles when you're gluten-free. This simple and delicious homemade gluten-free noodle recipe will have all your gluten-grubbing friends asking for second

8 Common Myths About Starting a Small Business

Working for yourself is the American dream. If you dream too big though, you might buy into these entrepreneurial myths.