Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Are TV's Extreme Cheapskates Going Too Far?

How far can you take the frugal lifestyle? Hopefully not this far.

Start a Cooking Club: Cook Up Some Frugal Fun

Slaving away in the kitchen may not be such a chore once you start your own cooking club.

The 5 Best Food Steamers

Steaming veggies and other foods for dinner isn't always quick and easy, but it can be. Use any of these food steamers and your meal will be magnificent.

How to Stay in a 5-Star Hotel for Less Than the Cost of a Motel

A couple of nights in a luxe hotel doesn't have to cost the equivalent of a car payment (or three). Here's what you need to know to find the best discounts possible.

The 5 Best Fitness Trackers

A fitness tracker can help you monitor calories and keep to your fitness plan. Here are five to consider.

The 4 Most Effective Times for Setting a New Goal

Take advantage of some quirks in the calendar — and your psychology — to jumpstart your campaign to reach your next goal.

10 Examples of Tremendous Business Leadership

Here are 10 examples of top-notch leadership from leaders who ultimately led by example, letting their actions (and bottom lines) speak for themselves.

20 Delicious Make-Ahead Salads

Take the guesswork (and the grease!) out of weekday lunches by whipping up these delicious, nutritious make-ahead salads. They'll keep all week!

You Can Too: 7 Amazing Things People Have Accomplished in Under a Year

You're capable of more than you think. Don't believe it? Just read what people like you have accomplished in less than a year.

5 Fun Money Boosts That Grow Your Savings

Adding some extra income will help you reach a savings goal that much sooner. Make it fun and you'll have a great time getting there, too.

The 5 Best Knife Sharpeners

A sharp knife makes meal prep easy, and it's a whole lot safer, too. Keep your edge with one of these best five knife sharpeners.

How Professional Award Bookers Can Get You Free Rewards Flights

Professional award bookers can save you time and money by booking your award for you.

How To Choose A Financial Planner - Yes You!

I don't care who you are. (Well, actually I do, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this). What I mean, is I don't care about your background, education, financial prowess, or absolu

Are You Stealing From Your Photographer?

We've removed this article from our archives. We have great respect for photographers and their work. We do not endorse reprinting copyrighted photographs even for personal u

5 Perfectly Respectable Uses for Instant Mashed Potatoes

Like most people, I can tell the difference between authentic mashed potatoes, made from fresh spuds, and the dehydrated “flakes” that come in a box. This doesn’t mean that you can

The 3-Step Plan to Choosing Your First (or Next) Mutual Fund

Choosing your first mutual fund may seem daunting. A small investment of time and these easy steps can help you get started building a portfolio.

A Guide to Becoming a Part-Time Bicycle Commuter

Transitioning from driving to cycling is easier than you think. Find out how to select the right gear, pick safe routes, and optimize your schedule for your daily bike commute. - Financial Tips from a Queer Perspective

Queercents founder, Nina Smith, talks about the importance of personal finance in the LGBT community. Have a read!

Alternative Wedding Registry Ideas

Don't need gift bags full of new towels and soap dispensers? Consider one of these uncommon registry ideas for your wedding.

How Much Engagement Ring Can You Actually Afford?

Popping the question can be a pricey prospect. You'll get the "yes" with less stress if you know going in what you should expect to pay.