Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Brain Hacks for Better Investment Decisions

Investors may think they make rational decisions, but for many, emotions and psychology call the shots. Understand your biases to make better decisions.

Ask the Readers: What Big Purchase Has Helped You Save Money?

Tell us about a big purchase that has helped you save money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Knowing When to Walk Away: Financial Planning for an Unknown Ending

People have a notion that they must amass a certain amount of money, no matter how long it takes, before they can retire. But what if it took you 40 years of work to reach $1 milli

Buying Shiny New Things Without The Guilt

Saving beforehand without dipping into savings or paycheck takes the guilt out of buying process.

A Guide to Becoming a Part-Time Bicycle Commuter

Transitioning from driving to cycling is easier than you think. Find out how to select the right gear, pick safe routes, and optimize your schedule for your daily bike commute. - Financial Tips from a Queer Perspective

Queercents founder, Nina Smith, talks about the importance of personal finance in the LGBT community. Have a read!

Alternative Wedding Registry Ideas

Don't need gift bags full of new towels and soap dispensers? Consider one of these uncommon registry ideas for your wedding.

10 Fun Toys and Games You Can Make at Home

Tired of spending $30 on a single toy? Here are 10 super-fun toys and games you can make at home with common items.

45 Special Sweet Potato Dishes

One of the world's true superfoods, the sweet potato is also delicious and versatile. Add some sweet potato to your menu today!

Caregiving: Highlights from Our Chat with AARP and Ad Council

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with AARP and Ad Council on caregiving.

Can you guess what’s in the box?

Here’s a little help. It takes two people to lift and carry the box. It measures 47.2 inches in length, 35.4 inches in height and 31.5 inches in width. It's from Europe. Oh, an

Book Review: The Post American World

Is there a link between having a modern society and having a western society? The vast economic and military power of the United States (and before that, the United Kingdom) has m

How to Make a Crappy Couch Awesome Again

That old couch ain't much to look at and it's worse to sit in, but it doesn't have to be that way. Refresh it with these simple hacks.

Help Your Teenager Earn Their First Million

As adults, how many times have you wished you had invested money as a teenager or young(er) adult? We're all aware of the power of compounding interest, and the idea that starting

15 Little Known Ways to Save at Disneyland

That Mouse doesn't need all your money! Before you head to the happiest place on Earth, brush up these magical ways to save.

Warren Buffett's Investment Advice: Why It's So Hard to Follow

Warren Buffett's style of investing isn't just about picking the right stocks, it's about having the intestinal fortitude to overcome widespread panic . Check out how one of his mo

How Trump's Presidency Might Change Student Loans

Whether you wanted Trump to win or not, you still need to know how his presidency might affect your student loans.

Save on Last Year's Taxes Right Now

You can still save on last year's taxes right now, if you still haven't filed your income tax return yet.

8 Personal Finance Resolutions Anyone Can Master

Make — and keep! — these simple money resolutions in the new year. Your finances will thank you.

Mick Jagger Rarely Buys New and 4 Other Smart Money Lessons From Thrifty Musicians

Too often pop superstardom comes with superstar profligacy. Not so for these five frugal musicians whose smart money habits offer lessons for the rest of us.