Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Ways to Get Prettier, Smarter, and Healthier While You Sleep

You can get all that from just a good night's sleep? As long as you're doing it right. Read on to learn more about the secret power of sleep.

Best Money Tips: What to Do if You Get an IRS Notice

Today we found articles on what to do if you get an IRS notice, things that are proven to make you happier, and ways to invest in yourself without spending a lot of money.

5 Excuses We Need to Stop Making About Overspending

You deserve it. It's on sale! There are dozens of excuses for overspending, and it's time to stop making them.

6 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Money From Cyber Theft

Online banking is convenient and can help you budget and save, but it's not without risk. Protect your money with some easy security steps.

5 Homemade Stain Removers That Actually Work

For pesky household stains, skip the store-bought cleaners — you can beat the grime with common household items you already have.

20 Cheap Fun Things to Do With Kids This Weekend

Go on, let the kids enjoy their summer — it doesn't have to cost a fortune! Entertain them for free or close to it with these fun activities.

13 Wonderful Household Uses for Essential Oils

Essential oils bring a sweet-smelling, aroma-therapeutic flair to household cleaning. Try these handy ways to use them at home!

Unexpected, Delicious Drinks You Can Make at Home

Think you have to go out for bubble tea, mango lassis, and ultra-fancy cocktails? No way. Make your own with these recipes.

Fight the Post-Holiday Blues: 20 Cheap Ways to Make January Special

If you've got the post-holiday blues, don't worry — here are 20 inexpensive ways to make January feel a little bit less blah.

What would you do with the F.U. money?

One of my close friends at work can often be heard saying “man, if only I had the F.U. money.” By that, of course, he means that if he had enough money to not care about losing his

Market Clones: How to Pay Drastically Less for Pricey Products

Marketers price their products at whatever the market will bear. But if one product is sold in two (or more) markets, one version is almost always cheaper.

How to Prevent a Windfall Money Mistake

Whether the cash comes from the lottery, an inheritance, or a tax refund, planning a windfall strategy now can prevent money mistakes later.

How Wealthy Are You Beyond Your Bank Account?

On my previous article about working to death I found a pretty long comment by a woman named "Jen" who has a husband that works seven days a week to provide for his family. This l

Why invest in the stock market?

The conventional reason for investing in the stock market--perhaps offered with a bit less confidence now that we're in the midst of a stock market crash--is, "It offers higher ret

How to Prevent Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing concern: with surprisingly little information, a thief can do lasting harm to your credit score and bank accounts. However, there are steps that you can

7 Steps You Must Take to Protect Your Family Financially

One way to stay focused on financial planning is to remind yourself whom you are planning for. Follow these steps to secure their future.

The 5 Best Bidet Seats

Think bidets are just a European way to use the bathroom? Think again. Use any of these bidet seats and you'll see why they're so popular.

9 No-Fuss Plants That Will Brighten Your Home Until Spring

When the winter days are short and dreary, glance over at your blooming indoor plants to improve your mood.

How to Avoid Getting Hired

Do you want a job? Are you sure? Because if you are doing any of these things, you won't get one.

Do These 8 Things to Profit From the Improving Economy

It's been a rough several years for the economy, but things may be looking up. Are you poised to cash in on the rebound?