Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Eat Street Food Safely While Traveling

It looks and smells delicious — but how safe is it? Learn how to enjoy food on the road without taking big risks with your digestive track.

Alternatives to Flying: Other Ways to Get From Here to There

Flying isn’t always the only way to go. You might be able to save time, money, and aggravation on your next trip with these alternatives to flying.

Brian Williams' $5 Million Fib: 4 Little Lies that Can Cost You Your Job

The NBC anchor's lie cost him his job, but before you judge too harshly, ask yourself; Are YOU guilty of any of these fibs that might cost you yours?

6 Things in Your Kitchen That Get Rid of Bad Smells Naturally

Don't worry if your kitchen stinks. The solution to your smell problem is only a shelf away.

3 Ways To Build Good Business Credit With Bad Personal Credit

A bad personal credit rating is not the end of the world -- or your small business. It's a problem to be managed, just like any other.

The 5 Best Fishing Rods

Catching fish isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these fishing rods and the big ones will start biting!

6 Ways to Celebrate a Raise Without Spending It All

When you get a raise, it's tempting to go all out and celebrate. You can still do that — without spending all your new hard-earned dollars.

Don't Let Your Bank Pick Your Homeowner's Insurance

If you let your home insurance lapse, your bank can force you to pay insurance that can cost 5 to 10 times as much. Learn how to avoid this predicament.

9 Financial Moves You Will Always Regret

Life is best lived with no regrets. But if you make these money moves, you’re sure to have a few.

What Does “YMMV” Mean? The Official Guide to Decoding the Language of Frugality

You don’t have to browse the forums at hot savings sites very long to notice that super-shoppers have their own lingo. Before you let terms like “FAR” and “peelies” scare you away

The 5 Best Camcorders

Yeah, many of us have cameras on our phones. But to really capture life's memories, you just can't beat a camcorder. Here are our picks for the five best.

New Debit Card Rules

Debit-card rules are changing. You won’t notice the difference if you keep a cushion in your checking account, keep meticulous records of your balance and all pending tran

You Need to Get Rid of These 16 Household Items — Pronto!

Inevitably your decluttering campaign hits a roadblock — what the heck do you do with this...thing? Here's what.

How to Turn Your Home Into a Moneymaking Star

If you have a house, you have a potential moneymaking star. Your home is ready for its close-up!

The 5 Best Hiking Backpacks

Bringing everything you need on a hike isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these hiking backpacks and you'll be prepared for anything on the trail.

8 Signs You Desperately Need a New Credit Card

You may want a new credit card, but do you need one? Here's how to tell.

Techniques for Escaping Long-Term Unemployment

Not having a job isn't just financially trying, it can also be downright depressing. Help combat long-term unemployment with these techniques.

Your 31 Hidden Networks That Can Help You Land Jobs

Discover your hidden network of supporters who are eager to help you find a job or upgrade your career.

5 Emergency Situations You Must Prepare For (and 5 You Can Ignore)

It won't be the end of the world as you know it if you plan for likely calamities, but you probably don't need to prep for the end of the world.

The 5 Best Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Being swamped at work is not a badge of honor — it's a sign of inefficiency. Get more done with these smart tips.