Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Questions to Ask Before Signing Up for a New Credit Card

Getting a new credit might mean more rewards, or just a better utilization ratio. Just be sure you understand the ins and outs before you sign.

The World's 4 Biggest Credit Card Scams

Credit card scammers never rest. Learn about four of the most notorious credit card scams — and what you can do to protect you and your credit.

10 Weird and Wonderful Ways to Use Vinegar

Have a bottle of vinegar in your pantry? Use it to save your rhododendrons, to attempt to choose the sex of your unborn child, and in other unexpected ways.

10 Genius Storage Solutions for Your Home Office

An untended home office can become a chaos of clutter and broken dreams. Keep your space tidy and your career on the march with some smart storage.

Everything You Need to Know About Peer-to-Peer Investing With Lending Club

For borrowers, Lending Club offers another funding source. For investors, it's a way to invest in consumer debt. Here's how to get started.

6 Effective Ways to Make Yourself More Employable

A lengthy search for a new job is stressful and frustrating. Cut ahead of the rest with these sure-fire ways to make yourself more employable.

14 Fun Winter Staycation Ideas

You don't have to break the bank to get some R&R this winter. Get away (without going too far) with these fun winter staycations.

$7 off of Crest Whitestrips

Whitening your teeth is not cheap. I've never had the dentist whiten my chompers, but I have used Crest Whitestrips, and they worked pretty darn well. They were also pretty darn expensive (around $30 or so). [more]

8 Green Products That Aren't

Pretty packaging may boast an eco-friendly product, but too often green is only skin deep. Beware of greenwashing!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money at Target

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to save money at Target, how to work abroad, and whether or not shopping can alleviate sadness.

8 Questions to Always Ask Yourself Before Making a Big Purchase

Avoid buyer's remorse later — and keep more of your money now — by checking in with yourself before you spend on costlies.

Big changes or small changes?

There are two ways to make a major change in your life. One is to make a series of small changes--this month you might brown-bag your lunch one day a week; next month you might go

9 Ways Siri Can Be Your Personal Finance Assistant

You have a round-the-clock, always vigilant personal finance assistant, right in your pocket. Learn how to make the most of it!

Choosing a Luxury Eccentricity

A useful tactic for dealing with those who think you need to spend more, a luxury eccentricity helps deflect criticism while allowing you to indulge.

The 5 Craziest Career Shift Success Stories

Get inspired to make your big career move by the stories of these risky — and ultimately successful — leaps of faith to new working lives.

14 Things You'll Hate About Your Next House

So what if there's a gravel driveway, or an empty lot across the street? Actually, you'll hate these things about your new house.

Buying Virtual Cats Might Be the Future of Investing

What happens when you combine cute kitties with an addictive game? The hottest new investment trend.

Make Your Dream Career a Reality for Less Than $100

The most important part of starting a business isn't having a plan or even money — it's passion. Learn how that passion can drive your next career move.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - What Kind Of Blog Commenter Are You?

As a writer for a blog that’s growing in popularity, I’m noticing that several different types of blog commenters exist. And not just on Wisebread, but also on every other blog I read. [more]

How to Freeze Foods That "Don't Freeze Well"

Think you can't freeze it? Think again. Discover the best ways to put "unfreezable" foods on ice.