Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Book review: Reinventing Collapse

Do you think the United States is about to collapse? Dmitry Orlov does, but you don't have to agree with him to learn a lot from his new book, which is packed with useful tips on

9 Freshman Shopping Tips to Cut College Costs

From dorm room essentials to new duds, college costs go beyond just tuition. Save big bucks by shopping with these tips in mind.

How to Start Your Own Blog

Blogging is a fantastic way of making yourself a more valuable job candidate. It will teach you a bunch of new things and will give you an edge over the competition when you're app

4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Student Loan Grace Period

A student loan grace period isn't a pass to spend your first big paychecks willy-nilly. Be smart, save up, and prepare to tackle your loan.

5 After the Holidays Moves Your Credit Score Will Thank You For

If the holidays put a hurting on your budget, there's no need to panic. These post-December moves will keep your credit in tip-top shape.

Financial Freedom and Using Passion to Budget

If we are undirected, we are susceptible to all the external forces of consumerism around us, and whamo, we’re a full-on rat in the race, wondering when the wheel will st

Best Superstore and Wholesale Club Credit Cards

Save at superstores and wholesale clubs with these store credit cards.

Things Don't Cost What They Used To: 10 Major Price Shifts in 2010

From corn to gold, these 10 common goods and commodities had major price changes in 2010 — and may continue to shift in 2011.

5 Ways to Yank the Leash on Pet Expenses

Pets are part of our families, but those cats, cockatiels, and Cocker Spaniels can cut into the bottom line. Learn how to budget for man's best friends.

How to Avoid These 12 Summer Travel Mistakes

Before you head out on your summer vacation, beware these costly travel mistakes!

10 Reasons You Should Call in Sick Today

The science is clear — an extra break now and again is really good for your mind, body, and productivity. Go ahead, take a day. You've earned it.

6 Ways to Sell Your Body to Science

Your precious bodily fluids are truly that — precious. Find out how to turn you into cold, hard cash.

How Scarcity Marketing Tricks You to Spend More

By next week, this post will have slipped off the front page. Click now or you'll miss your chance to learn how scarcity marketing nudges you to buy more.

The 5 Best BB Creams

Keep your skin clear and glowing with the right BB cream. Any of these five best BB creams are great for your face!

15 Cheap Things to Do Before the Summer Is Gone

Don't be sad that summer is almost over — take advantage of what's left! Perk up with these 15 fun, frugal things to do before the warm weather runs out.

4 Zen Concepts That'll Improve Your Finances

Inner peace is good for the mind, body, and… wallet? Become a Zen money master, and watch your finances flourish.

9 Restaurant Dishes You Can Make at Home

Dining out is delicious and easy, but it isn't always good for the budget. To trim the cost, learn how to make to make your restaurant favorites at home.

4 Tax Deductions New Homeowners Shouldn't Skip

New homeowners can get a leg up on their tax bill, so long as they remember to claim these huge deductions.

Saving for Retirement (and Other Long-Term Goals) on a Variable Income

A variable income coupled with fixed expenses is tricky to manage. In this article you will find a five-step strategy that allows you to save effectively for retirement, take advan

The 1-Cent Cell Phone Protector, and Other Hacks.

When you're forking out several hundred dollars for a cell phone, the thought of spending even more money to keep it scratch-free seems a no-brainer. But I'm cheap. And I don'