Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

A champion of savings over spending

We're subjected to constant barrage of unhelpful advice to the effect that what the economy needs is more spending. (The stimulus program is one piece of this.) It's kind of unde

Online Savings Account Face-Off: Ally Bank vs Capital One 360

You know you should be saving more, even in this age of low saving account interest rates. Find out which of these two leading online banks is right for you.

20 Habits You Must Start Right Now and Be a Better Person

Become the best possible version of you by developing these wholesome, productive habits. Once they've stuck, you're on your way!

Make Smarter Investments by Mastering This Simple Ratio

Do you know how to read a P/E ratio? If not, it's time to add this key investing metric to your lexicon.

Best Money Tips: High-Paying Careers That Don't Require a College Degree

Today we found articles on high-paying careers that don’t require a college degree, side hustles you can do on the go, and foods you should never eat on a plane.

Save $100 on Your Next Spa Visit by Buying Cold Medicine

We’ve been hearing a lot about how you can save money by shopping at Walgreens lately. Walgreens is again offering a unique and potentially ver

The 10 Biggest Myths About Investing

Investing isn't nearly as scary as many of us imagine. Let's debunk some of the biggest myths.

Cheap and Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day (And Any Other Day of the Year)

I have always loathed Valentine's day because everywhere I went I would see gaudy pink and red balloons and roses and men who are literally suckered into buying the useless thi

The Online Dating First Date: Get a Drink

Single folks, would you like to go out for a drink? The answer should be yes — and not just because it's frugal.

$9 Fares at Spirit Airlines – But is it a Bargain?

Airfare for less than $50 makes me a little giddy, even though I haven’t left the state in over 2 years. So I had to do a double-take on the Red L

Will Guns Change the Way eBay Auctions Operate?

The more I talk to people about eBay, the more they are annoyed by one simple fact; the auctions are not, well, auctions any more. Auction sniping and the ensuing last-second biddi

5 Questions to Ask Before You Sell Your Car

Think you're ready to bid a fond farewell to your hoopty? Hang on — make sure you know what you're selling — and what you're buying.

Five Frugality Hacks Straight Out of the Great Depression

During the Great Depression, simple frugality was the only way to get by. There was a saying that everyone lived by: "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." There's a l

4 Ways Being Passive Kills Your Job Prospects

The job interview process can be hard. Don't let passive, uncertain acts destroy your chances of landing the job.

Are You Wasting Your Credit Card Rewards on One of These Stupid Things?

Some credit card rewards are better than others. Make sure you're making the most of your rewards by avoiding the ripoffs and grabbing the best deals.

Paper Checks: Going, Going...Gone?

Are you ready to go totally electronic? Paper checks may be on their way out permanently. Learn what you need to know about making the switch.

16 Time-Saving Hacks for People With Busy Mornings

Mornings are always hard, but you can make them faster and easier with some simple shortcuts.

6 Tips for Spring Cleaning on a Budget

The spring cleaning season is here. But consumers don't have to clean out their wallets in order to make the annual event a success.

Pop That Corkage: A Cross-country BYO Roundup

BYOB is all the rage right now! Find out where you can bring your own wine to dinner in your favorite cities.

6 Ways to Get More Done on Airplanes

Flying can feel like a waste of time. Whether you're a business traveler or just want to be productive, follow these tips to make working in-flight work right.