Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Money a Mess? Try This Personal Finance Starter Kit

There may be no personal finance starter kit you can order right to your door (yet, anyway), but don't worry: You can build one yourself.

Giving is Better Than Blogging... or IS it?

Giving is better than receiving. I do sincerely believe this, as much as I like receiving. And I do like getting stuff. You know that old saying about giving a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day... [more]

When NOT to put money in your 401(k)

The twin advantages of tax deferral and a corporate match make the 401(k) the foundation of most people's savings plan. Putting in enough to get the maximum corporate match is

8 Green Products That Aren't

Pretty packaging may boast an eco-friendly product, but too often green is only skin deep. Beware of greenwashing!

How to Escape Reward Card Spending Traps

Even savvy shoppers can get sucked into credit card traps. Get the benefits of a rewards card and avoid the pitfalls by developing these habits.

Tax Document Checklist: What to Gather Before Doing Your Taxes

Don't wait until the last minute start collecting your tax documents and receipts. Instead, get everything together early with this checklist.

That Age-Old Conundrum: Time vs. Money

It's your time and your money. But if you don't choose how you're going to think about them, you might end up frustrated and unsatisfied with the life you live. Here are some commo

11 Smart Ways to Boost Your Gas Mileage

Spend more time on the open road and less standing at the pump. These easy fuel-saving hacks will keep more money in your pocket.

Big changes or small changes?

There are two ways to make a major change in your life. One is to make a series of small changes--this month you might brown-bag your lunch one day a week; next month you might go

The 5 Best Carry-On Luggage

Spare yourself from an extra long wait in line and skip straight to your flight gate with these five handy carry-ons.

The Secret Confessions of Employees

What exactly is in Wendy's Chili? What are those big name retailers not telling you? How do you get better deals? Well, you're about to find out.

How to Get More Value From United Airlines Miles

United's MileagePlus program offers award flights on a wide variety of partner airlines, and there are plenty of ways to stretch those miles even further.

Voluntary simplicity versus poverty

The first person I met who practiced voluntary simplicity didn't call it that, and I didn't understand what she was doing until many years later. [more]

From Sweet Tea to Chai: Delicious Homemade Tea Recipes

Hot or cold, tea is a remarkably versatile beverage. Whether simple or fancy, hot or cold, discover 10 delicious and frugal ways to enjoy tea.

Preparing Financially for a Natural Disaster

Hurricane Sandy's devastation served as an important reminder for many — when it comes to emergency planning, you need an emergency financial plan too.

Boost Your Career: How to Be Happier and More Likeable at Work

You can get more done and push your career ahead by becoming the charismatic, trustworthy, go-to person who really cares. Here's what to do.

A Simple Guide to Socially Responsible Investing

We all want to do right and do well. Make a difference in the world as your returns roll in with socially responsible investing.

13 Overpriced Restaurant Items That Waste Your Money

It's always a pleasure to dine out, but it can also be a drain on your finances. Here are some menu items to avoid if you're looking to get the best value at a restaurant.

7 Things You Should Never Do With Your Travel Rewards Credit Cards

Racking up travel rewards will be a wasted effort if you keep making these mistakes with your rewards credit cards.

How to Eat Street Food Safely While Traveling

It looks and smells delicious — but how safe is it? Learn how to enjoy food on the road without taking big risks with your digestive track.