Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Gardening Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Finally, my black thumb has turned green, and I can pick fresh vegetables for our dinner several nights a week. Learn from my trial and error.

Why Now's the Right Time to Jumpstart Your Career

Americans have more job opportunities than ever before. Are you making the most of it?

Wedding Dresses for Under $200

Target is offering wedding dresses for under $200! Now, I've been griping lately about imported Chinese goods. These Isaac Mizrahi gowns are probably sewn in sweatshops in Asia, so mentioning them here isn't meant as a promotion per se. [more]

11 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make in Your Crock Pot

This year be sure to give thanks to your Crock-Pot. It's going to make Thanksgiving and holiday dinners a breeze!

Do plastic baby bottles cause diabetes and heart disease?

What? Poisonous infant formula wasn't enough? Plastic baby bottles and the linings of canned food may be linked to diabetes, heart disease, and altered development in infants' brai

4 Ways Student Loans Impact Your Taxes

Got student loan debt? Who doesn't. Lessen the burden by knowing just how that debt plays into your taxes.

7 Surprising Ways Summer Will Cost You

Just like the scorching temps will drain your energy, the summer season can also drain your budget. Here's some sunscreen for your wallet!

Are You a Doormat? 17 Things Assertive People Never Say

There's nothing wrong with being easy-going, but if too many of these phrases are familiar, you may be selling yourself short. Start stepping up!

13 Dumb Little Purchases You Need to Stop Making Today

All small purchases add up quickly and ruin budgets, but these wastes are just silly — or even harmful. Find out what not to buy.

3 Ways Retirees Can Build Credit

When you retire, many of life's little worries melt away. Unfortunately, worrying about your credit score doesn't.

10 Financial Moves You Can Make During Your Commute

Your commute may seem like a waste of time, but it may actually be the best time to optimize your finances — even if you're behind the wheel.

6 Smart Ways to Use Old Savings Bonds

Dig out those old savings bonds, find out what they're worth, and teach your bonds to do more than reliably collect interest.

15 Nutritious Breakfasts for People With Busy Mornings

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day — but who has time? You do, if you choose these quick, nutritious (and delicious) morning bites.

The 5 Best Tire Pressure Monitors

Making sure your tires have the right amount of air isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these tire pressure monitors and you'll always know when to stop at the air pump.

10 Great Jobs for College Students

If you're in college, check out these flexible gigs that can get you some extra cash — and important resume-building experience.

Best Money Tips: How to Maintain Friendships As An Adult

Today we found articles on ways to maintain adult friendships, timesaving kitchen tips to simplify your life, and the best ways to sell your old stuff and make money.

Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Dishes

Cooking the entire meal on Thanksgiving day is an exercise in extreme planning. Decrease turkey day stress by making these dishes ahead of time.

The 5 Best DSLR Cameras

For high-quality photos and video, don't trust your smartphone. Instead, get one of these excellent DSLRs.

9 Sneaky Home Money Pits That Sap Your Savings

Household money pits aren't always obvious. Beware these sneaky money sinks hiding right under your nose.

10 Financial Mistakes to Stop Making in 2014

If you didn't reach all of your financial goals for 2013, put the past behind you and make 2014 the year you stop making the same old financial mistakes.