Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Does a plastic cork make for a lousy wine?

I remember the first time my mother opened a bottle of wine that featured a plastic cork. She gasped audibly; the family gathered in the kitchen, where we took turns poking at this

Capital Substitutes for Labor — and Vice Versa

Retirement planning has changed a lot since the economic downturn. But the things you need to understand and do are still very simple.

Grandpa’s Penny: “If you never spend it, you’ll never be broke!”

With the holiday season upon us, it seems everyone just wants us to buy. Apply my Grandpa's simple principle to avoid drowning in purchases.

Best Money Tips: Eat Well for Less

Today we found some fantastic articles on eating well for less, Black Friday 2012 deals, and making your Christmas budget go farther.

Best Money Tips: Brilliant Ways to Use Beer

Today we found brilliant uses for beer, simple moves that will make you richer, and questions to ask if you feel stuck.

Best Money Tips: How to Stop Buying so Many "Wants"

Today we found some awesome articles on how to stop buying so many "wants," saving money and the planet, and correcting the wrong money lessons.

Pay yourself last is okay too

Every book on personal finance says that you should pay yourself first--get the money out of your checking account and you won't even know it's missing. There's a lot o

The Same Actions Will Produce The Same Results (Ten Tenets for Arranging Your Rich: Part 2)

A while back I posted the first of what I promised would be "Ten Tenets to Arranging Your Rich". And wouldn't you know it, right after posting Tenet #1, things got

Cheap Charity Is Sweet Charity

Saturday is the Letter Carriers' annual food drive, when you put bags of food out and your mailman or mail woman

Best Money Tips: Free Things to Do in the Summer

Today we found some great articles on free things to do in the summer, getting free medication prescriptions, and budgeting when having a baby.

Book review: The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

Do you need a career guide? And, if so, do you need one written as manga? It almost doesn't matter--Daniel H. Pink has written one, and it's got enough good lessons packed into a

Best Money Tips: Free Activities to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Today we found some fantastic articles on free activities to get your creative juices flowing, what to do if you lose your job, and talking about money with your honey.

Best Money Tips: How to Make a Quick $50

Today we found some fantastic articles on how to make a quick $50, packing travel essentials to save money, and preventing buyer's remorse.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Thanksgiving Traditions?

Tell us about your family traditions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Fall Trends on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on fall trends on a budget, surviving losing your job, and things happy couples do differently.

10 Simple Ways to Get Your Life Together

Self improvement is hard. Start with these simple (but significant) improvements first, and see where they take you.

Best Money Tips: Home Repairs to Tackle This Spring

Today we found articles on home repairs to tackle this spring, a guide to investing in your 20s, and ways to pay off your student loans.

Best Money Tips: A Better You

This week, Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup gives a shout out to fellow bloggers who have dedicated their blog posts to increased productivity, time management, life improve

10 Ways to Lower Medicare Part D Costs

Learn how speaking with a pharmacist can help you save hundreds of dollars each year.

Best Money Tips: 12 Strategies to Simplify Your Finances

Today we found articles on ways to simplify your finances, how to cook a pig in the ground Hawaiian style, and the keys to getting better results.