Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Do Things That Scare You

It's easy to give up when you're afraid, but that's no way to live. Overcome your fears with this expert advice on doing the things that frighten you.

8 Good Reasons to Learn Canning Now

If your garden overflows with fruit or you're looking to shave a few dollars off your grocery bill, consider canning. It's easier than you might think!

Asset Allocation for All Markets

Achieving the right asset allocation can be like groping around in the dark (and not in a fun kind of way!) if you don’t know where to begin. This article will help you to determin

How to Do What Identity Theft Protection Companies Do...for FREE

Identity theft protection is a big business. We show you how to protect your identity for free.

5 Investment Moves That Prove You're Finally a Grown-Up

It's time to stop investing like a kid.

Mind Over Math - Believing It Makes It So

Boost your child's brain power with a little encouragement. Science proves kids' intelligence grows when they realize it can.

How to Avoid Foreclosure

What would you do if you were about to lose your home? What would you be willing to do to keep it? Is it even possible to keep it once you've missed a few payments? [more]

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting Trendy Beauty Treatments

Before you risk your money — and your health! — on a trendy new beauty treatment, there are some things you should consider.

10 Great Jobs for People Who Hate the 9-5

If you have no interest in working a typical, 9-5 office job, then consider one of these 10 careers with flexible hours.

Who Cares if there's a Recession? I just started a business

Thinking about starting a little business on the side in the middle of a recession? Go ahead and try it! I am.

The 5 Best Pet Flea Medications

Keeping your pets flea-free during the summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet flea medications and those pesky fleas will remain at bay.

12 Delicious, Healthy, and Inexpensive Snack Options

Skip expensive store bought, processed snack "foods," and replace them with these real food snacks that cost less in dollars and calories.

The 5 Best Sleeping Bags

Looking to enjoy the great outdoors without being overwhelmed by the elements? Stay safe and comfy with one of these five sleeping bags.

6 Essential Money-Saving Items to Take On a Camping Road Trip

Before you venture out on a long journey in the car, make sure you have these essentials with you.

What Happens to Your Apartment When Your Landlord Gets the Boot

If your landlord is in foreclosure, keep a cool head. Here's what you can expect to happen to your rental.

The case for caloric labeling

As a conscientious consumer, you have a right to know what you're buying, eating, or wearing. New York City is enforcing a law that requires chain restaurants to provide nutrit

11 Ways the Government Pays You to Live Green

The government can help you save green — by going green! Make these eco-friendly lifestyle changes today and watch your savings grow.

Understand Capital Costs

Especially for things people often buy on credit, like a car or a house, there's a tendency to divide the ownership into two periods--while the loan is being paid off, where the it

5 Tricky Interview Questions Successful CEOs Always Ask

If you thought your last job interview was tough, wait till you see the hard-hitting questions these successful CEOs bring to the table.

10 Things All Successful Freelancers Do

Making it as a freelancer is not easy — but it's not out of reach, either. Here's how successful freelancers spend their time.