Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Help Your Children Build Credit

Today we found some awesome articles on helping your children build credit, the best things to buy in June, and marketing tactics for job hunters.

Best Money Tips: 25 Ways to Get Free Stuff

Today we found some fantastic articles on 25 ways to get free stuff, ways the drought will affect you, and car-repair mistakes.

13 Festive Ways to Dress Up Your Property for the Holidays

The fall and winter holidays are here again already. Bring some spirit to your 'hood with these festive and frugal tricks to spruce up your place.

Capital Substitutes for Labor — and Vice Versa

Retirement planning has changed a lot since the economic downturn. But the things you need to understand and do are still very simple.

The Same Actions Will Produce The Same Results (Ten Tenets for Arranging Your Rich: Part 2)

A while back I posted the first of what I promised would be "Ten Tenets to Arranging Your Rich". And wouldn't you know it, right after posting Tenet #1, things got

Cheap Charity Is Sweet Charity

Saturday is the Letter Carriers' annual food drive, when you put bags of food out and your mailman or mail woman

The Make You Wanna Holla Presentation

In a realm where the DJ is dead and many spend more time texting and e-mailing than talking, defeat the Borg with a little bit of imagination. And if you've got your PC or Mac join

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Holiday Across the Seasons?

Tell us about your holiday and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Times We Are Likely to Lie for Money

When are we most likely to tell little white lies (and even some whoppers)? When money's at stake, of course.

Best Money Tips: Fall Trends on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on fall trends on a budget, surviving losing your job, and things happy couples do differently.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Fly on a Private Jet for Less

Today we found ways to fly on a private jet for less, tips for staying healthy on a budget, and how to create a meditation retreat at home.

Best Money Tips: Home Repairs to Tackle This Spring

Today we found articles on home repairs to tackle this spring, a guide to investing in your 20s, and ways to pay off your student loans.

5 Gifts You Can Get Through Bartering

From massages to car services, these five gifts are easy to barter for.

Best Money Tips: 12 Strategies to Simplify Your Finances

Today we found articles on ways to simplify your finances, how to cook a pig in the ground Hawaiian style, and the keys to getting better results.

5 Ways Wrath Is Keeping You Poor

You might be deeply angry about something, but that kind of emotion is not doing your finances any good at all.

Best Money Tips: Money Saving Tips for Families

Today we found some fantastic articles on money saving tips for families, saving on your electric bill, and making a great impression on your interviewer.

8 Warning Signs You're Going to Bomb Your Job Interview

You got a job interview! Now get to work polishing up your professional image before you blow the opportunity.

Ask the Readers: What are Your Favorite Deals? (Chance to win $20)

In this week’s Ask The Readers, we’re focusing on our Best Deals Today roundup, and a

The 6 Stages of Dealing With Financial Disaster

When financial disaster strikes, we're likely to follow a process of loss and grieving. Recognize the stages and come out stronger for it.

5 Hi-Tech To-Do Lists: Get It Done!

Whether I’m managing a busy day, the options for managing a busy to-do list and getting things done are almost endless. Here two of my preferred methods to controlling the madness.