Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 IKEA Shopping Tricks

Navigate the world's largest furniture retailer like a pro with these savvy money-saving hacks. (Don't forget to stop for the Swedish meatballs.)

How to Break Bad Habits

Breaking a bad habit doesn't cost a dime but might save you plenty while boosting your confidence and your social capital. Learn how with these five easy steps.

Book review: Wabi Sabi Simple

I think so. To me, living large is about the breadth and width of my life, not about how high I can pile up stuff. If that is how you want to live large, you'll find a lot of

This One Mistake Could Delay Your Retirement by 10 Years

Buying a home is a big decision and if you don't do it right, you could be paying for years and years. Use cash flow to help make the right choice.

Going Green: How to Live a (Nearly) Cash-Only Life

Whether you have a problem with credit-card debt or just want a new way to budget, it might be time to go for the green.

6 Ways to Bounce Back After a Work Mistake

Everybody makes mistakes. Don't make them worse by bungling the follow up.

The Best Secured Cards That Pay Interest on Your Deposit

Secured credit cards require a security deposit that usually determines your credit limit. There are some cards, though, that allow you to earn interest on the deposit.

3 Reasons Not to Invest Now

Sure, investing is a smart move. But before you decide to invest, you need to decide if it's the right time for you.

7 Fastest Ways to Recover From Holiday Overspending

Have you already blown the holiday budget for this year? Here's how to get back on track.

5 Reasons July Is a Great Month for Stocks

July is usually a banner month for the stock market. In between sand castles and sunbathing, here's why you should do some investing!

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Top Savings Goal?

Tell us about your top savings goal and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

21 Unexpected Items You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-On

Experienced travelers know what to bring and what to leave behind — or do they? These little extras make getting there almost enjoyable.

Givin' 'em the Slip - Look Rich for Very Little

Give 'em the slip! The classic women's undergarment seems to have gone by the wayside. What's up with that?

7 Worst Reasons NOT to Buy a House

If you're avoiding homeownership, make sure it's not for one of these not-so-great reasons.

Tax Deductions to Start Thinking About Now

Tax deductions can save you a lot, but who wants to worry about them during the holidays? Here's what to do now to prepare for the end of the year.

3 Ways to Travel Free (Or At Least Really Darned Cheap!)

How would you like to get out and "see the world"? Visit the Carthage Ruins or spend a week just hiking across Europe. Paris, Italy or maybe the Bahamas... there's really just no e

Should you skip a mortgage payment to get a bank's attention?

The Obama administration announced a foreclosure prevention and mortgage reduction program about two months ago, and as of April less than 1000 loans have been refinanced under th

4 Reasons to Add Your Teen as an Authorized User on Your Credit Card

Giving your teen authorized user access to your credit card might sound risky. Here's why you should do it anyway.

5 International Destinations Anyone Can Afford

Cut costs, not corners, on your next international trip by visiting these exciting, and affordable, destinations.

How to Have a Successful Skype or Video Job Interview

A video job interview right from the comfort of home — what could go wrong? As it turns out, quite a few things, if you aren't careful.