Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Food Going Bad Quickly? Here's How to Fix It

Spoiled snacks keep ending up in the trash? Stop wasting food (and cash!) by learning how to store it properly.

6 Reasons to Become Self-Employed

Whether its selling cosmetics and beauty products, marketing your own personal invention or selling drop-ship items through eBay, there's just something really sexy about the idea

Debt-Free Living IS Attainable: If You Want It, You Can Have It

Everyone loves talking about getting out of debt. It's easy to imagine the benefits. The trick is realizing that this lifestyle is actually attainable. It's a very real choice.

10 Travel Destinations for People Who Hate Crowds

If crowded beaches and bustling city centers aren't your thing, we've got just the vacation spots you (and no one else) are looking for.

Miracle Device Coin Rolls All Your Credit Cards Into One

Coin's like a universal remote for your plastic: a magical device that lets you store and toggle among all your cards, without actually having to carry around any of them.

4 Best States to Start a New Business In

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well for many Americans. Their small business ventures would fare particularly well in these four states.

6 Times When It's Okay to Take a Loan

There's nothing frugal about borrowing to support a lavish lifestyle. But for essential big purchases, it's okay to visit your bank.

5 Surprising Ways the Rich Get Richer

The rich get richer. You could get jealous, or you could get inspired to find out how wealthy stay that way, and copy them?

Need a job? Apply to become a Census enumerator

The Census Bureau produces an important set of demographics data about the United States every ten years. The 2010 Census is coming up soon and the Bureau is hiring thousands of t

How To Write A Resume: 12 Steps To Your Next Job

Self-promotion is not easy. Whether you're a high six-figure consultant, or earning $10 an hour in retail, you still have to talk about yourself in the right way. And one of the ke

Gift-Giving Ideas That Can Change Lives

Giving a gift that doesn't suck is not easy. Instead of focusing on the same old gift ideas, how about trying something that has the potential to change the person's life? It can b

6 Infuriating Ways You're Ruining Someone Else's Credit

Yep, you can totally wreck someone else's credit score. Don't be that person.

5 Signs It's Time to Close Your Business

Your business was your dream. But if it's doing more harm than good, the best thing you can do is walk away.

Big List of Birthday Freebies

It's your birthday, time to take advantage of the one day of the year that people have to be nice to you. Take a look at all the things companies are willing to give you for free!

Time for some new retro

For some time now, we've had good success drawing on the decades from the 1950s through the 1990s for our retro. Some bolder types have even made some use of the 1890s and 1920s--

The 5 Best Generators

With the help of an electric generator, you can keep your home going even when the power goes out. Find out which of these top-rated generators will work best for you.

20 Money-Saving Ways to Reuse Old Pantyhose

Here are 20 creative ways to repurpose today's worn out nylon pantyhose. Use them to shine your shoes, scrub your valuables, or reduce your heating bills!

11 Terrifying Things That Can Happen When Someone Steals Your Phone (And How You Can Protect It)

Your smartphone is stuffed with piles of personal data, which means the loss of a smartphone really… smarts. Take steps to protect it.

Make-Ahead Food: 10 Things to Cook on a Sunday

It's quick and easy to eat healthy during the week if you take the time over the weekend to prepare a few of these 10 staples.

How to Sell Your House Despite Your Messy Kids

Kids make a mess. You can still make a quick home sale despite the disarray.