Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Where to Find Missing Socks

If you have a drawer full of socks missing their mates, don't despair. Here's where to find them.

Ask the Readers: What's In Your Pantry?

Tell us about your pantry and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What Exactly Does Trip Cancellation Insurance Cover?

Is trip interruption/cancellation insurance worth the cost? Let's find out.

Mind Control Guru Can Pay With Blank Sheets of Paper

Using the power of your own mind against you is quite a scam and requires little to no set up, no partners, and no real props. See how Derren Brown does it.

8 Amazing Board Games You Can DIY

If you've grown tired of the same old board games, why not make your very own? Here's how to make eight great ones.

5 Steps to Successful Budgeting

Ready to build your best budget? All it takes is five steps to clear financial control.

How To Get A Discount Every Time

Discounts. Wouldn't they be great to get every single time you purchase something? Big or small, from new hats to furniture sets? It is more possible than you may think.

4 Beauty Products You Can Make in an Instant Pot

In between making every meal in your Instant Pot, you can make beauty products in there, too!

How to Use Credit Cards to Improve Your Credit Score

There's no mystery to building a good credit score, but you do need to follow a few simple rules with your credit cards.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Do for Fun While You're Stuck at Home?

Tell us what you're doing for fun while you're stuck at home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Affordable Destinations for Nature Lovers

You don't need to drain your budget to enjoy a beautiful vacation in the great outdoors. Get out there!

10 Depressing Jobs That Aren't Worth the Money

There are a lot of ways to earn your keep, but not all of them are good for mind, body, and soul. Do you work one of these depressing gigs?

10 Personal Issues No One at Work Needs to Hear

With work consuming so much of our lives, it seems natural to share our personal lives and concerns with our colleagues. Don't.

Clams, Cheese, and Bread: Why We Call Money What We Do

Ever wonder why people call a dollar a "greenback" or a "buck?" Read on to learn the roots of those nicknames and more!

5 Money Moves Every Single Parent Should Make

Raising a kid by yourself takes strength, resilience, and perhaps most importantly, a solid financial footing.

25 Secrets From the World's Most Frugal Frequent Travelers

From booking to baggage, these frequent travelers have been there and done that. Here are their best tips for taking the hassle and hidden expenses out of travel.

Ask the Readers: Is Now the Time to Shop?

Are you thinking that maybe, this year is a "special" year? Do you think it may be wise to buy as soon as possible, instead of waiting out the pending Black Friday tradition and t

50 Best Deals and Coupon Sites

Coupon users are no longer scrooges but sages, wisely spending by saving. Here are a list of 50 great deals and coupon sites dedicated to serving savvy shoppers like you.

5 Reasons Building Credit in College Helps You Win at Life

College is a time to discover your passions, goals, and aspirations. It's also a time to start building strong credit.

4 Simple Ways to Conquer Your Fear of Investing

Don't be daunted by the stock market. With a little change in outlook, you can conquer your investing fears.