Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Chase Total Checking and Savings: Easy Everyday Banking

Chase Total Checking and Checking comes with several services to make banking easier and more convenient for their customers. Are they enough to get you on board?

6 Attitudes That Breed Financial Failure

Can changing our minds about money change our fortunes? Yup. Here are six ideas about finances that you might want to ditch.

Simple Living Through Capital

There are a lot of ways to live simply. My personal favorite is living simply through capital — and it's easier to do than you might expect.

On Problems and Opportunities

People who say, "It's not a problem; it's an opportunity" might be jerks. But they might also have a good point.

Fixing the foreclosure crisis

Because homeowners are also voters, and because the subprime lending crisis threatens the whole economy, the federal government is trying to come up with ways to head off a massive

Mommy, Where Do Stocks Come From?

"Mommy, where do stocks come from?" I guess you could say that a stock starts with an idea or a gleam in a business owner's eye...

How Do You Spend Money When Traveling?

The urge to save money is a defining characteristic of the budget traveler. But is there ever a time when it is actually a good idea to spend money? If it will healthfully support

6 Old School Tools to Help You Stay on Budget

If the latest apps and digital spreadsheets aren't your cup of tea, kick it old school with these low tech ways to keep finances on track.

Update on money fund guarantee program

The key thing to know about the Temporary Guarantee Program for Money Market Funds that the Treasury announced 10 days ago is that it only guarantees the money that you had in the

Going Back to the Root Cellar

My grandmother once told me about her parents' root cellar: it was just a story of something so different from modern day that she thought I would get a kick out of it. But root ce

Generic Drugs: Not Always The Same?

In the world of prescription drugs, generic equivalents have been a financial blessing for many patients. For the most part, they perform the same function as brand name drugs at a

Build Savings Faster With a Multiple Account Strategy

Trying to manage all your expenses out of one savings account? Your finances might actually be a little simpler with two or three accounts.

9 Tips to Save Money on Holiday Shopping

Save more this holiday season with price drop alerts, discount gift cards, and gift swap websites.

DON'T Buy It Now on eBay without using cashback

You've been saving money with your online purchases thanks to Wise Bread, but wanna save even more? I know that got your attention.

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Common Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Spelling and grammar miscues are embarrassing and irksome — and maybe even career threatening. Trap those errors before they trip you up with a few simple tricks.

The Census Questions 8 and 9

While filling out this year's census I wondered, how relevant are questions 8 and 9 going to be to the government programs they might serve? Don't the questions themselves make the

Bottled or Tap: The Right Choice for Water May Surprise You

When it comes to drinking water, the choice is often expensive bottled or potentially dirty tap. Get informed so you can make the right choice for you.

What Happens to Your Online Stuff After You Die?

After you're gone, your virtual self will live on — for a while. Grant your heirs access to your digital property before it's gone, too.

4 Surprising Places to Find Deals on Health Care

A Groupon for hip replacement? We're not quite there yet, but in the meanwhile, here's how the Internet is changing the health care market.

14 Dumb Things Holding You Back From Losing Weight

Been dieting and exercising but still can't shed the fat? One of these dumb things might be keeping the weight on.