Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Floor Steamers

Keeping your floors clean isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these floor steamers and your floors will shine bright like a diamond.

15 Delicious Foods to Try in Your Waffle Maker

Make your waffle iron do more than take up space in your appliance drawer with this collection of tasty waffle iron meals and treats.

7 Reasons Your E-mail Pitches Are Failing

Is your email marketing really just email spam?

6 Best Cities for Frugal Lovers of the Arts

Looking to experience some creative culture without the NYC or San Francisco cost? Check out these cheaper, but super creative cities for art lovers.

5 Things to Do With Your Coffee Beans

Most of us just throw out our used coffee beans morning, or we toss them onto a compost heap. But what else can you do with coffee beans?

The Easy Way Teachers Can Earn Passive Income

Teachers do a noble job for a less-than-noble salary. Educators everywhere can earn passive income just by sharing the tools they use.

4 Skills Every Leader Should Have

Develop these four key leadership attributes, and soon you'll have your team all on the same page and pointed in the right direction.

3 Tax Reasons to Sell Your Business in 2012

With some beneficial tax rules changing after 2012 and the market for small businesses heating up, the year upcoming may be the year to sell.

What You Need to Know About Working While Collecting Social Security

Many people look forward to drawing Social Security benefits while still working and drawing a paycheck. Of course, there's a catch.

5 Romantic Wedding Locations That Won't Cost a Fortune

Choosing the right venue is is hard and often expensive. Save money by skipping the hotel and country club and get wed somewhere fun — and cheap.

4 Must-Have Apps for Roommates

Squabbles and stress over money and chores are just part of the roommate experience. Let these apps lead you to peace and harmony instead.

Step-By-Step Guide to Rolling Over Your Old 401(k)

Rolling over your 401(k) isn’t necessarily fun, but it can be a vital to your financial future. Here's how to do it.

Save your Lunchmeat: Insurance for your Fridge

We often protect our computers, TV’s, and sound systems with special power strips to protect against power surges. Most families I know go the extra mile to stain-protect their li

9 Tax-Friendly Ways to Save Beyond Your Retirement Fund

Reach your retirement savings cap? There are still plenty of savvy ways to avoid a big tax bill after maxing out your IRA and 401K!

11 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make in Your Crock Pot

This year be sure to give thanks to your Crock-Pot. It's going to make Thanksgiving and holiday dinners a breeze!

How to Bounce Back From Your Holiday Splurge

You might be dreading your next credit card bill, but don't worry — you can bounce back from a holiday spending splurge.

Less corn planted, despite ethanol

Prompted by high prices (driven by demand from ethanol production), farmers planted more acres of corn last year than any year since 1944.  This year, though, planned acres for cor

7 Things Your Financial Advisor Wishes You Knew

Then again, if you already knew these truths about investing, why would you need a financial advisor?

10 Credit Card Truths You Wish You Could Tell Your Younger Self

If you could hop in a time machine, chances are you'd visit your younger, less responsible self to share some advice about smart credit card use.

Ask the Readers: Where Did You Learn About Personal Finance?

Tell us where you learned about personal finance and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!