Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Simple Ways to Get Big Back-to-School Savings

It seems like back-to-school "must buy" lists get longer every year, but that doesn't mean this end-of-summer shopping tradition has to empty your wallet.

Best Money Tips: Get the Most Bang for Your College Buck

Today we found some awesome articles on getting the most bang for your college buck, pet services you can do yourself, and saving money by toting snacks.

Cheapskate on Board

Living on less can be funny, but it's not a joke. It's the only financial advice that will work for almost everyone, and it might

Shoppers to Spend Less This Holiday Season

Despite some early predictions, it looks like holiday shoppers are not spending as much this year. Learn some of the reasons why.

What Would You Do: Pay Now or Pay Later?

Play financial adviser and tell me how you would handle a deferred preschool tuition payment. Put it all on the credit card for a large cashback reward, or enjoy the opportunity to

Balancing Spending with Saving: Being Frugal but not Miserly

Take frugal too far, and we can become miserly before we even know what hit us.

Best Money TIps: How You Can Help the Unemployed Today

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we're offering encouragement for those around you with no job, a better way to buy used online, and 10 ways you can a

What Does Frugal Living Mean to You?

Depending on your point of reference, a million dollar purchase can be considered frugal. What is frugality to you?

Make 15 Junk Food Favorites Healthier and Cheaper at Home

Junk food can be tough on both wallet and waistline. Maintain the health of both with these easy copycats of your favorite packaged foods.

101 Small Business Mistakes (and What You Can Learn From Them)

Let's be honest: running a small business is not an easy task. And even the most successful business owners have had their fair share of blunders. Here are some of the biggest mist

Best Money Tips: Steps to Buying a House

Today we found some awesome articles on steps to buying a house, reasons you need a spending plan, and Black Friday myths exposed.

How Much Can You Afford to Risk In a Play Money Account?

Taking reasonable investment risks can be fun with "play money" you set aside for the purpose — just don't risk your retirement or emergency fund!

Why I Love Lists

Need to get something done, feel productive, or just get focused? Make a list!

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Biggest Monthly Expense?

Tell us what your biggest monthly expense is and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: 4th of July Deals

Today we found some stellar articles on 4th of July Deals, saving money when shopping on Amazon, and beating the heat without beating your wallet.

How to Find Freelance Clients: Part Three

Applying for freelance work is an art form in itself – once you master the techniques, you'll be on your way to a thriving freelance business. Applying for work on job sites and co

Best Money Tips: Don't Miss These End-of-Summer Freebies!

Today we found articles on hot end-of-summer freebies, side hustles that aren’t worth the effort, and daily habits to help you get more done with less stress.

The Lowdown on Spending Less for Your Food but Getting More

Over the last several years, many of us have developed convictions about eating less, eating local, and eating organic. But when our convictions about food clash with our convictio

Best Money Tips: Make These 7 Moves to Retire Early

Today we found articles on smart moves for early retirement, how to have a tailgating party indoors, and ways to save money on a family vacation.

People Who Love Their Bodies Do These 12 Things — Do You?

You don't have to look like a runway model to love the body you have. Start treating it with the care you both deserve.