Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Save Big on Big Family Vacations

Here are just a few of our top tips from my recent Life Scoop article on big family travel savings.

Cyber Crime: Can You Afford to Ignore It?

Do you have a business continuity plan? If not, you’d better keep reading. Your company’s financial well-being depends on it.

Lifestyle Employee Benefits with Payback

Wellness programs, employee assistance programs (EAPs), and more hold promise for boosting employee well-being and company profits.

4 Big Tech Stocks Offering Big Returns

There's more to tech investing than social media stocks. Find some room for these big tech stocks in your portfolio and 2015 could be a big year.

6 Times to Use Credit Cards Instead of Cash

Frivolous use of credit cards is a good way to slip into debt, but if used wisely, plastic can boost your credit and help your finances. Here's how.

The Upside of Incentive Compensation

When motivating your employees with incentive compensation, be sure the incentives in your plan match your business goals.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/26, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Groceries! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

4 Ways To Negotiate Your Debt When Cash Flow Is Slow

When you owe a vendor more than you can pay, you and your vendor both have a problem. Solve it.

5 Interview Questions Every Small Business Owner Should Ask

The interview may be your only chance to get to know a job applicant before you make a hiring decision. Here are five questions to help you.

8 Expert Tips for Building Effective Email Lists

An email list can help promote your business and reach your market simply and effectively. Before you get started, here are a few things to consider.

Turn Your Business Into a Money Machine

When it comes right down to it, every business is a money machine. Some are just better designed than others.

10 Small Business Money Myths to Reconsider

Sometimes it's smart business to go with tried and true solutions to common financial questions. But what if those old solutions don't provide the right answers?

FREE DVD - Pirates 2 or Cars.

Ok, this one is for all you Wisebread readers with a sense of humor and a few empty spaces in your DVD collection. [more]

Prefab Fab - This ain't yer grandma's double-wide

Are prefabbed homes the wave of the future? Judging from some of the magazines that I receive (Sunset, Metropolitan Home), it sure looks like things are heading in that direction. [more]

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Resume With Travel

Today we found some awesome articles on improving your resume with travel, avoiding using your emergency fund, and affordable presents for dad.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save at a Restaurant

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save at a restaurant, going green and saving big, and refusing a promotion.

Legendary rock band Radiohead charges "whatever you want" for latest album

It's making huges waves through the music industry, which is hardly surprising. Organizations like the RIAA have been trying, and failing I think, to crack down on illegal musi

7 Hot Credit Card Trends for 2013

From mobile wallets to great sign-up bonuses to (could it be?) easy credit, learn about next year's big credit card trends.

Best Money Tips: Things Car Salesmen Don't Want You to Know

Today we found some fantastic articles on things car salesmen don't want you to know, busting out of your money comfort zone, and keeping your relationship fresh.

So You Want to be a Landlord? Part II: How Do You Actually Make Money?

The truth is that rents sometimes do not cover the monthly costs of owning the rental home, so how is it that these real estate gurus make their money? A lot of people think that i