Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Investors With Better Returns Than Warren Buffett

The Oracle of Omaha is lauded for his investment success — and rightly so! But other, less celebrated investors have done better. Find out how.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Fight the Afternoon Slump?

Tell us how you fight the afternoon slump and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 In-Flight Amenities Worth the Cost

Flying economy is no picnic, but you can make your time aloft almost dreamy with a couple of in-flight luxuries worth paying for.

6 Ways to Resist a Splurge

A sure way to bust a budget is to cave in to every wish and whim. Get control of your urge to splurge and regain control of your money.

Don't Skip These 8 Tax Breaks for Students

College isn't cheap, but students of any age can cut the cost by claiming the right deductions. Would any of these help you or a student you know?

How One Nice Thing Can Ruin Your Whole Budget

This is precisely why we can't have nice things.

“Shop in stores with concrete floors.”

Enter the mystical realm of warehouse stores, where bulk-buying can save you big money in the long run.

15 Great Jobs That Don't Pay Much

Money isn't everything — especially if you have a job that rewards you in ways dollars can't touch.

Could you save money by subscribing to an addictive game?

During the Christmas break my husband and I went to dinner with some of his friends from high school. One couple we spoke with told us that they are trying to save money for a dow

Improve Your Social Skills With Highlights From 5 Great TED Talks

People with good social skills share cool things they've found — like these five great TED talks on building better social skills.

Advertising Jargon That Aims to Mislead

In advertising, not everything is as it seems. Watch out for these phrases; if they're being used, you should reconsider the purchase you're about to make.

6 Money Misconceptions About Millennials

Despite coming of age in an age of burgeoning student loan debt, weak economies, stagnant wages, the kids these days are pretty savvy about money.

Self-Employed? Here's How to Get Your Apartment Application Approved

Being self-employed has its perks — and its challenges. Finding a new apartment can be tricky, but it's not impossible if you can sell your story.

10 Great Uses for Old Ties

Thrift stores (and maybe even your very own closet) tend to be filled with used ties. Give them new life with one of these easy DIY projects.

How to Make Money as a Chat or Forum Moderator

Turn your Internet time sink into extra cash by becoming the nice, helpful person on the other side of the chat window.

7 Money Lessons Kids Can Learn From the Tooth Fairy

Turn your child's visit from the Tooth Fairy into a meaningful lesson on money.

ZipList Giving Away $600 to Lucky Wise Bread Readers!

To enter simply leave a comment telling us your favorite Thanksgiving budget dish or comfort food!

Best Money Tips: Easy Steps for a Greener Holiday Season

Today we found articles on ways to have a green holiday season, opportunities to save money in 2017, and simple but smart ways to improve your home security.

Lower Credit Card Rates? Just Ask!

Follow these two easy steps, and you’ll be on your way to lower credit card rates and more money in your pocket.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Love Most About Your Job?

Tell us what you like most about your job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!