Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Fitness Resolutions: How Much Will Your New Exercise Routine Cost?

If you're like many Americans, you made a resolution to get fit this year. Here's how much it'll cost with some popular workouts.

Degrees of Frugality: 7 Tips for the College-Bound

It's no secret that college tuition and the related expenses can be daunting for students and families. Here are seven tips for minimizing the costs of college.

How to Take Advantage of Free Extended Warranty From Your Credit Card Issuer

Save big bucks by taking advantage of free extended warranty offered by credit card companies.

10 Golden Rules of Personal Finance Everyone Should Know

These 10 money truths will set you on the right path to financial enlightenment.

8 Real Life Calamities That Can Drain Your Finances (Plus How to Defend Against Them)

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometime the downs take all your money along for the ride.

The 8 Weirdest Cases of Credit Card Theft

While credit card theft is no joke, from time to time those thefts (and those post-theft purchases) are entertaining. And often weird.

How to Choose the Perfect Country to Retire In

Choosing which country to retire in can be tough. Here's how to ensure you make the right decision.

6 Foods That Are Actually Cheaper At Whole Foods

We don't often visit "Whole Paycheck" when we're shopping for cheap eats. But for some staples, Whole Foods is surprisingly affordable.

The Best Credit Cards with Sign-up Bonuses for Hotel Stays

These hotel credit cards offer easy redemption for free stays and other nice perks.

Which store-bought stain remover works best?

This is the first in what will be an ongoing series of blogs, subtitled "Andrea shamelessly promotes cute guys who make videos about vaguely interesting topics." Now, I know that o

How to Get a Truly Free Credit Report

If you want a truly free credit report, ignore the clever ads and go straight to the source — where there are no strings attached.

Five More Tips For Eating In Restaurants And Sticking To A Budget

Even if you are working hard to keep your discretionary spending to a minimum, you can still enjoy a restaurant meal once in awhile.

5 Reasons July Is a Great Month for Stocks

July is usually a banner month for the stock market. In between sand castles and sunbathing, here's why you should do some investing!

How Projection Bias Could Be Destroying Your Finances

Grocery shopping while hungry is more than just a bad habit. It's wrecking your finances.

The Smart Way to Budget on a Freelance Income

Managing your money as a freelancer isn't easy, but with this easy five-step plan, you can level out the highs and lows.

The 5 Best Ways to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Workday

If you don't do morning right, chances are the rest of the day is shot, too. Set aside 10 minutes early to set the stage for a productive day.

9 Signs You're Suffering From Lifestyle Inflation

Keeping up with the Joneses is not the only sign of creeping lifestyle inflation. How many of these signs of profligacy do you recognize?

The Best Airline Rewards Programs for Trips to Europe

Don't let sky-high airfare keep you grounded from your Europe travel goals. These airlines rewards programs will get you there!

37 Savings Changes You Can Make Today

From cutting costs to getting unadvertised discounts to setting up an automatic savings plan, these 37 easy changes can help you save more

7 Worst Reasons NOT to Buy a House

If you're avoiding homeownership, make sure it's not for one of these not-so-great reasons.