Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Big Ways ATMs Are Changing

The local ATM you know and love might be changing — for the better! Here's how banks are teaching the venerable ATM some new tricks.

Frugal Red Herrings: Money-Savers That Cost You in Other Ways

Are your money-saving ways just an illusion? Find out if you're falling prey to these frugal red herrings.

Debt-Free Living IS Attainable: If You Want It, You Can Have It

Everyone loves talking about getting out of debt. It's easy to imagine the benefits. The trick is realizing that this lifestyle is actually attainable. It's a very real choice.

How "Radical Implosion" Can Help You Get Ahead at Work — and Everywhere Else

Fear can destroy your life. Radical implosion can help you destroy your fears.

Miracle Device Coin Rolls All Your Credit Cards Into One

Coin's like a universal remote for your plastic: a magical device that lets you store and toggle among all your cards, without actually having to carry around any of them.

4 Best States to Start a New Business In

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well for many Americans. Their small business ventures would fare particularly well in these four states.

The 5 Best Luxury Pens

Writing anything by hand in the digital age isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these luxury pens and you'll never want to stop writing.

8 Tips for Planning a Last-Minute Wedding

Not everyone has the luxury of time when it comes to weddings. Learn how to navigate the process in a hurry without sacrificing the joy or blowing the budget.

6 Simple Money Milestones Anyone Can Hit

Mega money goals can feel overwhelming. Check these simpler ones off your list while you're grinding toward the big ones.

The Safest Cars for Teen Drivers

Watching your kid drive away in his first car can be nerve-racking. Feel better by finding the safest frugal vehicle for your teen.

6 Great Alternatives to Remodeling Your Home

Thinking about spending thousands of dollars on a remodel? Try these effective alternatives for a fraction of the cost.

Why You Should Stop Keeping Your Money Problems to Yourself

Keeping your money problems mum won't make them go away faster. In fact, it might only dig you in deeper.

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Stay on Schedule

Today we found smart ways to stay on schedule, ways to stretch your employee benefits dollars, and surprising things you can do with tea bags.

Being Frugal Without Giving Up Your Social Life

Despite what some people think, you don't have to be a hermit to be frugal. Learn how you can have a fun social life AND maintain your budget.

The 5 Best Juicers

Juicing provides a delicious, easy way to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Get started with one of these recommended machines.

Need a job? Apply to become a Census enumerator

The Census Bureau produces an important set of demographics data about the United States every ten years. The 2010 Census is coming up soon and the Bureau is hiring thousands of t

The Google Way: A Book Review (And a Chance to Win!)

I don’t know why I’ve put off reading and reviewing this book. It’s one that was on my “must-read” list for some time. With its common-sense but unique approach to business manage

Stop Believing These 5 Home Refinance Myths

A home refi can help your overall financial health. Don't let these myths keep you from applying.

The 5 Best 3D Printers

Why print flat paper when you can print 3D objects? Just use any of these 3D printers and you'll be amazed by what you can make at home.

8 Ways to Escape a Dying Industry

You have a career, but you know it's not going to be around much longer. The good news is you cannot only survive a dying job, but thrive afterward.