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5 Home Renovations That Could Hurt Your Home's Value

Swimming pools and lavish gardens may sound great, but before you drop big bucks on a home renovation, know what it can do to resale value.

Gift-Giving Ideas That Can Change Lives

Giving a gift that doesn't suck is not easy. Instead of focusing on the same old gift ideas, how about trying something that has the potential to change the person's life? It can b

Don't Forget About These 7 Job Hunting Expenses

It's not just yourself you need to prepare for a job hunt. Prepare your money, too!

6 Infuriating Ways You're Ruining Someone Else's Credit

Yep, you can totally wreck someone else's credit score. Don't be that person.

How a Credit Card Cash Advance Costs You More Than a Purchase

The convenience of cash advance comes at a cost. Usually, a pretty steep one.

20 Frugal Ways to Brighten Your Spouse's Day

You don't have to wine and dine your partner to show your love. Instead, try these inexpensive ways to express how you feel.

5 Things You Must Learn About the Company Before Your Job Interview

You did something right on your LinkedIn profile and your resume. Now win the interview and get the job by learning these key details about your future employer.

Stuff We Love: Pasta Made With an Imperia Pasta Machine

If you love pasta, but don't love rolling and kneading dough, consider an Imperia Pasta Machine. It's fun and inexpensive, and the results are delicious.

20 Money-Saving Ways to Reuse Old Pantyhose

Here are 20 creative ways to repurpose today's worn out nylon pantyhose. Use them to shine your shoes, scrub your valuables, or reduce your heating bills!

The 5 Best Charcoal Scrubs

Keeping your skin clear isn't always easy, but it can be. Use any of these charcoal scrubs and your pores will remain unclogged.

How Almost Anyone Can Afford to Retire in Mexico

Calling Mexico home during your golden years can really stretch your retirement savings. Crossing the border is a lot easier than you think!

How to Get What You Want on Customer Service Calls

Learn 8 effective strategies for getting what you want on customer service calls. Communicate better, communicate smarter and get your problem solved!

How to Face 4 Ugly Truths About Retirement Planning

It's time to face — and overcome — the ugly truths of retirement planning.

14 (Mostly) Frugal Valentine’s Day Recipes

Give your special someone the royal treatment the cheap way with this list of delicious and frugal Valentine's Day recipes.

11 Delicious Breakfast Dishes for Your Grill

Whether you crave sweet or savory in the morning, you'll be happy to learn that your grill is great for breakfast, too.

7 Money Fixes You Can Make When You're Stuck Inside Because of the Weather

Stuck inside on a snowy day is the perfect time to declutter and revamp your financial strategy.

Ask the Readers: The Best Thing That Happened to You in 2015?

Tell us about the best thing that happened to you in 2015 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Credit Cards for Cruises

Start planning for your next cruise vacation with these credit cards.

5 Ways to Save Water, Energy, Money, and the World in One Afternoon

Saving water is not only good for the planet, it can be a highly efficient way to cut your water and energy bills (energy to heat the water).