Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Foods That Are Scientifically Proven to Increase Happiness

The next time you're feeling down, try a spicy spinach salad topped with poached turkey and salmon, and chase with a handful of chocolate truffles.

5 Signs You Were Raised by Parents With Bad Social Skills

Our parents teach us so much about how to live — for better or worse. If crowds aren't your thing, identify the signs and overcome your upbringing.

4 Ways to Add Gold to Your Portfolio

Whether you want to protect your money from stock market turmoil or a zombie apocalypse, adding gold to your portfolio can be an attractive investment.

5 Simple Ways to Live Rent-Free

Housing isn't cheap, especially if you're broke. But with some creativity and some gumption, you can put a roof over your head for nothing.

6 Reasons Why Used Is Better

Buying used isn't just about finding antiques or quirky vintage clothes. From cost to quality, discover why buying used is often smarter than buying new.

The Best Secured Cards with Rewards

You might think you're limited to high APR, high annual fees, and few benefits with secured cards, but these secured credit cards have rewards!

Bad, bad China: a round-up

I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I need to stop buying Chinese goods. This is a tough one for me, mostly because so much of the cheap stuff I love to buy comes from Chi

I Lost My Tax Documents… Now What?

Now where did that missing 1099 go…? Never fear, here's how to deal with lost tax documents.

5 Smart Travel Hacks Only Frequent Flyers Know

You don't have to dread the airport. These smart frequent flyer secrets will have you breezing through the terminal (almost) stress-free.

14 Secret Fast Food Menus Revealed

You don't have to join the Illuminati to learn secrets. Discover the unadvertised eats you can order from your favorite fast food joints.

5 Surprising Ways a 3D Printer Can Save You Money

3D printing is the future. From prosthetic limbs to custom guitars, here's how a 3D printer can save you big money.

3 Ways to Get a Legit Business Education Online

The advent of online education has made it easy to get a business education. And if you don't need a credential or degree — it can be free.

10 Reasons to Drink Tea

Tea can wake you up or calm you down, cool you in summer and warm you in winter. If you don't already drink the steeped stuff, here's why you should.

The 5 Best Anti-Aging Creams

You can have healthy and younger looking skin just by using the right anti-aging cream. Just use one of these best five choices.

How to Retire With Less Than $1 Million in Savings

Your nest egg doesn't reach the millions. That's OK; you can still have a happy, healthy retirement.

Surprisingly Easy Ways You Can Support Charity

You can support charity with minimal effort — and while having a lot of fun. Discover over 20 great, unexpected ways to get involved.

Strategies for households with more than one adult

The strategy for households with a single adult can be disposed of in the first paragraph: Earn enough money to buy everything your household consumes, plus provide through direct

How to Do Things That Scare You

It's easy to give up when you're afraid, but that's no way to live. Overcome your fears with this expert advice on doing the things that frighten you.

5 Ways Giving to Charity Is Good for You

Givers enjoy better health, stronger social bonds, and higher levels of satisfaction than non-givers do. What's the catch? There is none. All you have to do is give.

Build Your Own Small Business Empire in One Year: Empire Building Kit

If you're ready to create your own small business empire, then the Empire Building Kit may be the tool to help you do it.