Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Budget Destinations Where You Can Learn to Scuba Dive

Scuba diving can be an expensive hobby, but in these five destinations, you can explore the depths of the sea without busting your budget.

5 Things a Homebuyer Shouldn't Say to a Seller's Agent

An open house is the perfect time to get the deets on your potential dream home. It's not the time to get chatty with the seller's agent.

How to Throw a Kid’s Birthday Party That’s Fun, Happily Memorable, and Not So Expensive

The most fun, memorable and least expensive birthday party for your child may be, figuratively and literately, right in your own backyard. I’ve attended and hosted fabulous but sim

Are You Pursuing an Overcrowded Career Field?

It takes time, money, and effort to earn a degree or certificate for a chosen occupation. Before you commit, make sure the field has room for you.

11 Money Habits That Make You Look Financially Immature

You're an adult. It's time to start acting like one with your money.

Why You Should Allow Yourself Splurges

Do you sacrifice things you enjoy to save as much as possible? An occasional splurge is not such a bad thing, and it might even make you a better saver.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Dollar Store Buys?

Tell us about your favorite dollar store buys and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Hidden Dangers of Credit Card Balance Transfers

We're advocates of credit balance transfers as part of a debt reduction plan, but that doesn't mean the strategy is risk-free. Here's what to watch out for.

How Much Are Pricey Home Upgrades Really Worth?

When readying a home for sale, it can be tempting to go wild with a new deck or room addition. Before you start, do the math.

5 Airlines With the Best Customer Service

Air travel is the worst, right? With these top flight airlines, it's actually pretty nice!

25 Hobbies You Can Start for Under $10

Starting a new hobby should never drain your bank account. Luckily, there are a bunch that you can start for $10 or less.

5 Money Moves to Make When It's Too Hot to Go Outside

Too hot to do anything productive? Think again! Give some of these summer money moves a try.

Are You Happy With Your Bank?

The American Customer Satisfaction Index tells us how citizens feel about their banks. But the most important question is, how do you feel about yours?

Find the Investing Style That's Right for You

Risk and reward go hand in hand, but how do you pick the investment strategy for your needs? Brush up on the basics before you buy.

Your stimulus check is on its way!

Wow. I guess pigs may just fly after all. Because, believe it or not, the goverment is actually paying out the economic stimulus checks ahead of schedule. And that means you could

When Should You Fire Your Real Estate Agent?

Lately several couples I know have been trying to purchase real estate, and it seems that none of them are too happy with their real estate agents. Some of them have been working w

Build Your Own Furniture: 9 Helpful Tips For Non-Carpenters

It might seem intimidating, but it's totally possible for you to make your own furniture, even if you've barely wielded a hammer before. Learn how.

14 Smartphone Apps That Make Self-Care a Snap

Make self-care a priority wherever you are with these helpful apps. Taking good care of you has never been easier!

Does Skill Really Matter in Stock Market Investing?

Some claim a successful investment portfolio is pure luck. Others say it's skill. Which is it?

Ask the Readers: Do You Own Apple Products?

Tell us whether you own Apple products and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!