Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

12 Ways to Make Yourself Save More Money

You know you should save more, and you'd like to — but how? Close your spending leaks and put your saving on autopilot to start building a cash reserve.

Use These Stores' Gift Cards ASAP

Time to dig through the desk drawer. If you have any of these lingering store gift cards, the time to use them may be now or never.

Review and Giveaway: The Secret to a Successful Budget eBook

We are celebrating Craig’s new budget book with a giveaway for lucky readers! To be entered to win a copy of the book for yourself, please just comment on this post with why you fe

6 Reasons It's Never Too Late for a Career Change

Career stuck in a rut? Climb out!

7 Countries Where You Can Travel on $30 a Day or Less

Travel doesn't have to be expensive — you just need to know where to go, and how to trim the cost.

6 Mosquito-Repellent Plants With a Dual Purpose

These inexpensive herbs and flowers can add decoration to your garden and flavor to your meals...and they just happen to deter mosquitoes too!

5 School Lunches That Will Make Your Kid Smarter

Skip the sugary snacks and soft drinks. Give your kids a mid-day brain boost with these nutritious — and delicious — school lunches.

10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Buy in Bulk

You know buying in bulk is a great way to save. From meat to paint, go beyond warehouse store basics with this collection of bulk buy surprises.

The 5 Best Men’s Rain Boots

Keeping your feet dry on a rainy day isn't easy, but it can be. Just get any of these men's rain boots and your feet will remain warm and soak free.

America Is Back: 4 Economic Predictions for 2015

The U.S. is poised to take off this year. Are you ready to reap the rewards?

What if the Mortgage Interest Deduction Went Away?

What would happen if the mortgage interest deduction were eliminated?

Telemarketers Prank Call Me - 800-266-9420

Constant calls from 800-266-9420? Fight back.

Retirement: Not Just for People?

As we get older, we try to shift the way we get money from actively working to earning money from investments. Many companies have done the same.

3 Ways to Travel Free (Or At Least Really Darned Cheap!)

How would you like to get out and "see the world"? Visit the Carthage Ruins or spend a week just hiking across Europe. Paris, Italy or maybe the Bahamas... there's really just no e

Reach Your Money Goals Faster With a Simple Naming Trick

Mortgage repayment, emergency funds… these things may not be "fun," but a cheeky approach to banking can make them a whole lot less stressful.

The Enemies of Frugality

Even with the best of intentions, living frugally can be a challenge. Explore the seven nefarious forces that keep us from our frugal goals.

15 Quick Clothing and Shoe Repair Fixes You Should Own

Run in your stockings? Zipper won't budge? Don't miss a beat with these 15 quick clothing and shoe fixes.

6 Weird Things to Sell on eBay for Extra Cash

Spring cleaning is more fun when there's a market for your trash. Find out what people will pay for the stuff in your recycle bin and junk drawer.

6 Tools That Stop Computer Distractions and Help You Stay on Task

Oh, soooo cute! It's a GIF of a kitten playing with a shiny button! Defend your focus and your productivity with this collection of distraction smashers.

Are You Underpaid? How to Figure Out What Salary You Deserve

How much are you worth? Discover the salary you should really be earning.