Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Get a Truly Free Credit Report

If you want a truly free credit report, ignore the clever ads and go straight to the source — where there are no strings attached.

5 Reasons Librarian Is Still a Great Career Choice

Somehow libraries are still relevant decades into the Internet-age. If you're looking for a future-proof career, start thinking dusty old tomes.

You Won't Believe How Much These 10 Rare Coins Are Worth

Check your couch and your piggy bank, and if you find any of these super pricey coins, don't waste them on a pack of gum!

Wisdom from My Favorite Frugal TV Character - Julius Rock

My favorite cheap TV character is Julius Rock from Everybody Hate Chris. Julius is a character based on Chris Rock's father and in almost every episode of the show his fruga

10 Budget Design Ideas for a Kids' Playroom

If your kids have made the kitchen or family room into their playroom, reclaim your space with these budget-friendly playroom ideas.

Want Stylish Shoes That Last for Years? Try Frye

A single pair of Frye boots bought for a trip to Italy impressed the wearer so much, she soon bought another pair of boots and two pairs of flats.

Taco Tuesday: The Inner Mechanics of Budgeting on Vacation

I recently found myself sitting around a dinner table in Hawaii with a number of new traveling acquaintances. We met at the place of accommodation we were staying at, and enjoyed e

7 Cool Things Bonds Tell You About the Economy

Bonds may not be the snazziest investment, but they sure can tell us a lot about how the economy is doing. Here's why it's smart to start paying attention to bonds.

12 More Things People Who Make a Lot of Money Do

It turns out that high earners share a lot of habits that help them succeed. How many of these habits are yours?

How to Save Big on Last-Minute Travel

The early bird always gets the worm, right? Wrong! There are plenty of ways to save big on last-minute travel.

3 Times Bankruptcy Is the Right Move

A bankruptcy can take a terrible toll on your credit and your financial future. But sometimes it's the only way to escape debt and start anew.

How to bake sourdough bread (and save a buck on every loaf)

I doubt if the cost of yeast is really breaking your household budget. If you bake a lot you probably already buy yeast in bulk, so you're not paying the per-packet price anyway.

Saving Money Is Easy If You Set the Right Goals

There's a reason coaches and CEOs look for "goal-oriented" athletes and employees. Goals help us achieve more, whether touchdowns, profits, or savings.

10 Things You Did Wrong at Your Last Job Interview

Have you landed a couple interviews, but never the job? Maybe you're committing one of these common job interview mistakes.

15 Theme Ideas for a Memorable Halloween Party

Need some ideas to make this year's Halloween party unique? Here are 15 themes you can choose from to help make your Halloween party memorable.

Stuck at the Airport? Relax With These 14 Easy Self-Care Tricks

Being stuck at the airport is no fun, but these self-care moves will keep the stress at bay.

Best Money Tips: The Right Way to Multitask

Today we found some great articles on the right way to multitask, products you should definitely buy online, and the things extremely likeable people do.

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

Eating at the Intersection of Cheap and Healthy

A lot of healthy food — organic, locally grown food — comes at specialty food prices. But with some planning and smart shopping, you can eat both well and cheap.

Welcome to the Real World - My Best Advice for New Graduates

I graduated from college just three years ago, so the confusion and anxiety I felt after graduating college is still quite fresh in my mind. I moved out of my parents' house a wee