Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Relax... It's Only $2

Feeling stressed out, my first instinct is to schedule a one hour massage and order take out from the Chinese place. After doing t

7 Reasons To Take The Bus

Low cost airlines are finally taking hold in the United States, offering a greater range of route options and discounts. At the same time, concerns over security, environmental imp

Save Money and Water With These 6 Clever Landscaping Hacks

If you've been eyeing your neighbor's perfectly landscaped lawn, try some of these strategies to create a low-cost outdoor oasis.

When Tradition Meets Necessity: The Reintroduction of Soppin’ Bread

On a typical day, I probably appear fairly rural in my mannerisms. I call lunch “dinner” and dinner “supper.” Everyone in my family has a pair of bibbers, a work coat, and mud bo

The 5 Best Smartphones

Android or Apple? Performance or battery life? Getting a new smartphone can leave you asking a lot of questions. Pick the best phone for you with this guide.

Good, Bad, or Excellent: What Does Your Credit Score Mean?

Is your credit score good, bad...or excellent? Find out what range you're in and what that means for your borrowing prospects.

5 Things in Your Garage That Have Serious Re-Sale Value

Wait, don't throw that out! Your old garage dust-collectors might be worth some decent coin.

Fight Your Speeding Ticket, Save Yourself Some Dough

I've never fought a speeding ticket before. I usually just pay it and forget it. By "usually", I mean, for the two tickets I got before when I was 16 and 19 years old. My recent ticket was an anomaly for a couple of reasons. [more]

Train vs. Plane Travel: Which Is Right for You?

Should you take to the skies, or hit the rails on your next vacation? Here's how to decide if you should go by plane or train.

The Real Deal: What to Expect When Starting Your Own Business

It's easy to list "Start Business" as a goal for the new year, but do you know what that actually means?

9 Unexpected Expenses for Retirees — And How to Manage Them

Lots of things get cheaper as we age, but not everything. Be prepared for these unexpected retirement expenses.

Strategies for households with more than one adult

The strategy for households with a single adult can be disposed of in the first paragraph: Earn enough money to buy everything your household consumes, plus provide through direct

What's Your Credit Card Spending Style?

Whether you're a credit pro or a plastic-card newbie, understanding your card use can help you have a better relationship with your money.

6 False Assumptions About Debt-Free Living

What to expect once you're debt-free.

The 5 Best Robotic Mops

Keeping your floors cleaned isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these robotic mops and you'll never have to scrub those floors again.

5 Social Media Stars Who Earn Way More Than You

These famous Internet faces are raking in all the cash. Probably way more than you are.

Vacation Hack: 7 Tips for Single Bag Travel

It's easy to simplify your travel and avoid baggage fees. Become a single-bag traveler by choosing the right carry-on and packing with purpose!

What I Learned From Working at a Bank

In the short time I've been at my job, I've seen all kinds of borrower financial statements. Here are some of the best lessons I've learned from working at a bank.

7 Ways to Make the Most of a Tiny Kitchen

A tiny kitchen can make cooking seem more unappetizing than two-week-old leftovers. But with some creativity and thought, even the smallest kitchen can be functional and inviting.

25 Alternative Uses for Lemons

From getting rid of pests to replacing beauty products to making innovate eats, when life hands you lemons, you can make a lot more than lemonade.