Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Reasons Science Says It's OK to Eat More Cheese

More cheese, please! Science says this beloved dairy treat is better for you than you think, everywhere from your bones to your brains.

Why Even Millionaires Aren't Happy About Their Finances

Believe it or not, the super-rich are not always super-happy — and often for the same reasons the rest of us aren't.

Relationships and Money: Two Sides of the Same Coin

The way we deal with money in relationships is often a sign of how we deal with other things in life. But if you're aware of potential problems, you can change.

Best Money Tips: Get Paid While Watching TV

Today we found some fantastic articles on getting paid while watching tv, habits to increase wealth, and the best days to buy specific items.

How Less Creativity Can Make You More Creative

Feel like you're out of mental energy by the time you find time for creative work? Here's how to save your energy for your passions.

Ouch! 5 Ways to Make Paying for the Dentist Less Painful

Going to the dentist is unpleasant enough — don't make it worse by skipping some easy to reach savings.

Silly Sounding, but Simple: Use Your Stuff

It's such a simple idea, but one that has taken me years to really learn — to get the most enjoyment out of the things you have, use them.

How to Make Flying With an Infant Less of a Nightmare

Flying with an infant can be seamless or a nightmare, and it may all depend on what you bring.

6 Ways to Save Money on Preschool Enrollment

Paying for preschool can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Discover ways to get a great education for your child and without straining your wallet.

How To Buy Stuff That Lasts Forever

My husband bought a pair of gym shorts for my oldest son a couple of weeks ago. The shorts lasted for one day before having a small tear at one of the critical seams. Contrast that

How to Keep Peer Pressure From Destroying Your Finances

Keeping up with the Joneses is keeping too many of us in debt.

The Simmons Visa Credit Card: The Lowest Standard APR Available

You won't get rewards or perks or concierge service with this credit card, but you will get the industry's lowest interest rate.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Your Vacation This Summer

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving money on your summer vacation, building a library on the cheap, and money lessons from Mad Men.

Best Money Tips: Budget Travel Tips You Haven't Heard

Today we found some stellar articles on budget travel tips you haven't heard, how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, and how today's grads can beat the odds.

Ask the Readers: What Money Advice Would You Give a College Student?

Tell us what money advice you would give to a college student and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Tax Mistakes Millennials Make

With major money changes, come tax changes — and Millennials are often guilty of these common tax-time mix-ups.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Get a Cheap Gym Membership

Today we found some awesome articles on getting a cheap gym membership, protecting your wealth, and keeping your living costs as low as a students.

The 5 Best Back-to-School Laptops

When it comes to laptops for teens and college students, the options can feel overwhelming. We've narrowed it down with five great picks.

Where Did Your iPod Come From? The Story of Stuff

Do you know the difference between planned and perceived obsolescence? Do you know why high heels are fashionable with chunky heels one year, and thin heels the next year? Why is

9 Stocking Stuffers for Techies

What can you stuff into a tech-lover’s stocking? Any of these wee gadgets!