Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Stocking Stuffers for Techies

What can you stuff into a tech-lover’s stocking? Any of these wee gadgets!

Best Money Tips: Who to Follow on Twitter to Save on Everything

Today we found articles on who to follow on Twitter for maximum savings, easy Harry Potter DIYs, and bizarre dessert combos that actually work.

How will the new credit card rules affect consumers?

Today a new bill was passed by the U.S. Senate with the intent of restricting abusive practices in the credit card industry. A House bill was passed on May 12th and will be reconc

10 Essential Steps to Take Before a Job Interview

You've made it to the interview; don't blow it now. You won't if you follow with 10 step pre-interview plan.

The 5 Best Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Being swamped at work is not a badge of honor — it's a sign of inefficiency. Get more done with these smart tips.

10 Surprisingly Dangerous Things You Have in Your Home

Your home is your haven, the place you and your family seek refuge from the outside world. Make it safer by eliminating these hidden household dangers.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: How to Decide When to Sell Your House

Max is facing one of the biggest decisions in her budget challenge yet — should she sell her house? The decision is amusingly complex.

This Is How You Dress Like Don Draper on the Cheap

Used or new, 50s and 60s suits are still fashionable, and actually affordable, if you know where to look. Find out here!

Negotiate Your Own Hotel Deal

Taking a vacation is getting more expensive each year. But staying at a hotel doesn't have to break the bank. If you know your way around a desk clerk, you can find or negotiate

Apperang: Get Paid for Trying iPhone Apps

If you love trying new apps, read this review to learn how you can make money doing what you already enjoy.

5 Customer Service Battles You Just Can't Win

Put your phone scripts away, give up escalating, and don't bother screaming because whatever happens, you're not getting your money back.

Best Money Tips: Have an Exciting Staycation

Today we found some great articles on ideas for an exciting staycation, things you should always buy generic, and emergency preparedness on a shoestring.

When to Outsource for Your Small Business

The big bucks are made not on one person’s efforts alone, but the efforts of many. Today we will look at the inherent characteristics of outsourcing.

5 Dreams You Won't Achieve Unless You Live Below Your Means

By spending less than you earn, you can much more easily achieve big goals in life, from retiring early to finding a job you really love.

The 15 Worst Cities for Frugal People

These 15 international cities are renowned for their culture, vitality, and energy. They're also really, really expensive places to live.

3 Must Have Business Agreements

These three agreements can keep your business -- and you -- from getting burned.

Innovations In Advertising

Where won't clever marketers place their advertisements? Where will you?

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Workout Routines

Today we found some great articles on money saving workout routines, saving on your electric bill, and money tips for new grads.

Headaches, Begone!: 5 Tips for Making Airline Travel Easier

In these days of canceled flights, long lines at airline counters, and more frustrated customers than satisfied ones, there are some things you can do to make your trip go smoothly (or at lea [more]

Just Start: How Doing Anything Can Help You Accomplish Everything

Hate feeling stuck? Learn how just starting something — anything! — can help you tackle your entire to-do list.