Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Limes Are Crazy Expensive Right Now: 16 Ways to Replace Them

Can't afford limes? Use these replacements to save money and awaken your taste buds.

Book Review: One Year to an Organized Financial Life

One Year to an Organized Financial Life is an organized approach to getting organized, breaking down the monstrous task of dealing with financial issues into small st

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Ideas for New Parents

Today we found some great articles on money-saving ideas for new parents, pet peeves of hiring managers, and using Pinterest to be more productive.

What You Need to Start Flipping Items for Cash Online

You don't need a lot to start flipping stuff for cash — some of it you may already have!

What's in Store for the Economy?

The truth is that the economy, just like a most other things in life, simply can’t be measured in straight line gains and losses. The economy is so much more than a line g

A Lot of People Don't Understand What an Investment Really Is. Do You?

An investment plan is more than numbers on a page. It's your strategy to live the life you want — on your terms.

Best Money Tips: Tasks You Can Offload to a Virtual Assistant

Today, we give you tasks that can be outsourced to a virtual assistant, a way to expand the variety of your cookie stash, natural methods to clean stainless steel, and more!

11 Food Additives You're Probably Eating Every Day (and What They Do)

It's almost impossible to avoid these 11 food additives in a modern, processed-food diet. Learn what else is in your food besides food.

8 Problems Home Sellers Must Disclose to Buyers

Before handing over the key to an unsuspecting buyer, you need to air your home's dirty laundry — all of it.

The 5 Best Coloring Pencils

Add a little color into your life with the right art supplies. Use any of these coloring pencils and brighten the pages in front of you.

5 Tips for My Career-Clueless College Self

Going to college without knowing what career you want is tough...and very common. Here's what I'd tell my pre-college self if I could hop back in time.

Common Household Poisons and How to React

Prevent household poisoning by knowing what's in and around your home and what do to if something happens.

3 Things Your Accountant May Not Be Telling You

What your accountant doesn't say could be harmful to your business.

Why Scientists Say You Should Be Committing the 7 Deadly Sins

Sloth, Pride, Gluttony — go for it! It turns out that sinning — in moderation — is probably actually good for you.

13 Business Leaders Who Failed Before They Succeeded

If at first you don't succeed...

Job Hunting Resources

The job search process is never easy, but there are ways to improve your chances of landing a job.

6 Beauty Rules You Should Be Breaking

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder — the most important one being you! Stop getting hung up on these silly beauty rules.

15 Grilled Veggie Dishes That Hold Their Own With Meat

If you're like most, a backyard grill-out just isn't right unless there's a big slab of meat. These fresh grilled veggies will change your mind.

Best Money Tips: Creating the Ultimate Resume

Today we found some fantastic articles on creating the ultimate resume, tips to investing in rental property, and things you can sell to pay down debt.

The 5 Best Self-Tanners

Getting that summertime tan can expose you to harmful UV rays. Pour on your bronze instead with one of these five best tanners.