Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Turn Your Backyard Into a Wildlife Refuge for Under $40

It won't cost you much to make a backyard sanctuary for local wildlife.

Tips for Shopping at Estate Sales

A cousin of the garage sale, estate sales are a great way to find hidden treasure. Learn what to do (and not do) to find the best deals.

The 10 Worst Ways to Make Extra Money

Having a side income can make life a lot easier...but there are some good ways to earn that side income and some seriously awful ones.

Best Money Tips: How to Clean Your Car Like a Pro

Today we found some great articles on the best professional car cleaning tips, ways global warming may affect your finances, and small kitchen appliances you don’t really need.

15 Free Ways to Learn Something New

From online classes to in-person demonstrations and more, check out these 15 ways to learn something new — no fee required.

6 Decorative Plants You Can Eat, Too

Kill two birds with one stone by stocking both your garden and your pantry with these gorgeous edible plants.

5 One-Size-Fits-All Spending Tips That Don’t Really Fit Everyone

From cutting up credit cards to cutting out lattes, these pervasive personal finance tips are repeated again and again, but could be bad advice for you.

Here's How to Get a Sale Price-Match at 16 Popular Stores

Before your next shopping trip, check if you can save some coin with these price-matching policies.

7 Ways to Remodel Your Bedroom (Without Demolishing a Thing)

You spend roughly 1/3 of your life sleeping, so shouldn’t you do it in a room that contributes to sweet dreams? Spiff up your bedroom with these easy changes.

Why "Buy One Get One Free" Is Usually A Bad Deal

Recently, I read about a promotion from a home builder in San Diego where consumers could buy a 4000 square foot house for $1.6 million and get a smaller home by the developer valu

10 Simple Household Repairs Every Frugal Person Should Master

Why call an expensive pro to fix every little thing around the house when you can just DIY? Get out your toolkit and get to work!

The 29 Companies With the Best Maternity Benefits

The U.S. is among the few countries that doesn't mandate paid maternity leave. These 29 companies offer generous maternity benefits anyway.

6 Free Debt Management Tools

You're always checking your smartphone anyways, so you may as well put it (and the Internet) to better use tracking your debt!

Ask the Readers: What is Your Best Back-to-School Shopping Tip?

Tell us your best back-to-school shopping tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Things Other Grocery Stores Should Steal from Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's keeps me coming back by offering low-cost, healthy groceries — and if other grocery stores want to stay in business, they better do the same.

Stop Thinking of Your House as an Investment

Your home may be where your heart is, but it's not an investment.

10 Ways You're Being a Terrible Neighbor

Unless you enjoy being a terrible neighbor, maybe keep the sloppy parking and late night fireworks to a minimum.

How to Pay for College When You Didn't Get a Scholarship

Worried that a lack of scholarships will stunt your college savings? Don't worry; there are other smart ways to afford your degree.

10 Things You Should Never Do After Getting a Raise

Congratulations on the raise — you earned it! Now keep it to yourself.

5 Essentials for Building a Profitable Portfolio

Investing is a bit of an art form, but it doesn't need to be a complicated one. Know the essentials, and you'll be on your way to great returns.