Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Things You Must Do After the Interview to Land the Job

You might've nailed the interview, but to land the job, you need something more. Your job search isn't over until the big offer arrives.

Money Management in 5 Minutes a Day

Day-to-day money management doesn't need to take a ton of time. Here are some key steps and tools that'll help you create a super-efficient system.

Yogurt: Should You Try Making Your Own?

Yogurt is already conveniently packaged, widely available, and comes in a big variety of flavors. That said, there are great reasons to make your own.

The 5 Best Travel Cable Organizers

Keeping your tech cables organized isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these travel cable organizers and you'll be able to grab the right charger the moment you need it.

The Shanghai Supposition: Better Choices=More Choices=Better Experiences

Cheap Chinese goods have created a Wal-Mart economy in America but for the individual they can be an eye-opening experience about the joys of travel, about the pride garnered from

18 Awesome Things You Can Do This Weekend for Under $10

Looking for fun this weekend but wallet's looking a little thin? No problem, all you need is ten bucks and creative ideas like these.

How Long Does it Take Break Even With a Home ReFi?

Refinancing your mortgage can be a sound financial move. But how do you figure out when you'll break even? Let's crunch numbers.

The 5 Best Eyelash Curlers

Keeping your eyelashes curled isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these eyelash curlers and your lashes will always look fab.

5 Ways to Pay Off High Interest Credit Card Debt

Don't let high interest credit card debt totally derail your money. Pay it off, quickly, with a few smart moves.

12 Ways You Can Go Easier on Yourself

Pushing hard to exceed our own high expectations can lead to burnout. Learn how to dial it back to reduce stress and remain productive and engaged.

Concession stand treats – a license to print money.

I was at a local fair recently. The kids were hungry, I was thirsty and we all wanted a snack break. But my wife and I knew we’d have to pay the price. At events like these, you’re

The 14 Best Ways to Cut Food Costs While Traveling

Great food is one of the best parts of vacation but the cost adds up. Try a few of these tricks to save some cash on your next travel adventure!

How to Turn Your Instagram Account Into a Paying Gig

Instagram isn't just for pics of your daily latte and your adorable cat. You can make money with it, too!

How to Negotiate a Raise Out of the Blue

If you're going to ask for a raise out of the blue, don't come to the table unprepared. Here's how to play it smart.

The 6 Least Expensive Dog Breeds to Own

A dog can be a great addition to your household, but they aren't cheap to buy or care for. These six dogs won't bust your wallet (but will melt your heart).

Extreme Couponing? 5 Reasons Why I’ll Pass.

40 hours per week clipping coupons? Stockpiling products you may never use? Extreme couponing may be all the rage, but it's more like madness to me.

How to Prevent Plant Theft

Mean-spirited but common, plant thieves will cut your blooms, remove front-stoop pots, or even dig trees up from your yard. Learn how to foil them.

The 5 Best All-Purpose Cleaners

You don't need to buy separate products to clean your windows, tabletops, and counters. Save money and space with one of these top all-purpose cleaners.

50 Fun, Free Ways to Have a Great Time With Friends

Take your next friendly gathering from zero to fun with this collection of engaging and frugal group activities.