Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Are Timeshares Ever Worth the Investment?

Timeshares are as popular as ever. Before shelling out a huge chunk of change for a "home away from home," consider these pros and cons.

Are You Putting Off These 9 Adult Money Moves?

You're not a kid anymore. So get to work on these grown-up financial decisions.

4 Reasons Why a "Good Enough" Decision May Be Best

Humans are emotional, forgetful, and easily overwhelmed: In short, we're not great decision makers. Learn why settling for "good" is the best decision.

5 Store Card Pitfalls to Watch Out for

Store credit cards offer huge discounts to lure customers in, but there's a catch. Read about the pitfalls of these offers and how you can avoid them.

When you stretch and stretch and the ends don't meet

Sometimes wanting something and trying for it aren't enough. The honest truth is that, no matter how frugal you are, no matter how extensive your emergency fund, no matter how

I Lost My Tax Documents… Now What?

Now where did that missing 1099 go…? Never fear, here's how to deal with lost tax documents.

Top 10 Red Flags That Trigger IRS Audits

Are you making one of these common mistakes that can trigger an audit?

5 Surprising Ways a 3D Printer Can Save You Money

3D printing is the future. From prosthetic limbs to custom guitars, here's how a 3D printer can save you big money.

12 No-Bake Holiday Treats That Won't Bust Your Budget

Stay within your holiday budget and save both time and energy with these delicious, easy to make treats, no baking required.

Cut-Rate Condiments: Homemade Mayo

When the price of my beloved Best Foods (also known as Hellman’s, for you folks east of the Rockies) rose to over $6 (30 oz.) here, we switched to a store brand. It was sl

7 Strategies for Paying Off Debt When Living on a Variable Income

Attention, freelancers! If you live on a variable income, it's time to rethink your debt payment strategy.

Best Money Tips: Paying Off Your Debt

Today we found some awesome articles on paying off your debt, asking for a raise, and saving cash at the airport.

Switching Addictions

Sometimes trading one addiction for another can save both your money and your health.

12 DIY Ideas for Creating Inexpensive Art

Art doesn't have to be high-brow -- or expensive -- to wow. Channel your inner creative, keep your home decor budget, and fill your rooms with art.

14 Secrets to Saving on Eyewear

Get a clear picture on ordering brand-new glasses and contacts from the comfort of home — and save as far as the eye can see.

Get the Most From Your Airline Miles in These 5 Overlooked Cities

You worked hard for your miles! Make them take you further by traveling to these five overlooked world cities.

All About Deflation

Deflation is back in the news, and for good reason: It's a real risk.  

The Credit Crunch Myth: You Can't Fix What Ain't Broke

In an effort to fix the credit crunch, the American Recovery Reinvestment Act authorized $730 million in funding for the SBA. Only one problem: There may not be a small business

20 Ways to Get Dinner on the Table Faster

Feeding your family fast doesn't have to mean grabbing drive-through eats. Try these tricks to help get delicious homemade meals on the table — quickly.

12 Entry Level Jobs With Surprisingly High Salaries

There's no need to struggle right out of school if you land one of these high paying entry level jobs.