Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: How to Stop Drinking Soda

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. We've got tips to help you kick the soda habit! We’ll also share how to revive your water-damaged cell phone, why LEDs are total

Book Review: The Trap

For more than two years now writing at Wise Bread, my whole thesis has been that frugality leads to freedom—if you can live cheaply enough, you can choose whatever work calls you,

New Credit Card Rules: Who Really Benefits?

Credit card industry reform may have good intentions, but will these rules encourage the same behavior that made reform necessary in the first place?

“Smart Pills” Will Soon Have You Swallowing Computers

The sensors in "smart pills" will help you and your doctor monitor your health from the inside out.

The 5 Best Pet Cameras

Keeping track of your pet's adventures isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these pet cameras and you'll get a peek into their world.

Are You Listening to TED?

Do you know TED? Have you heard the name? No, this is not a reference to the United airline, or my crazy uncle. This TED is devoted to technology, entertainment and design. TED

You've Been Saving Money All Wrong. Here's Why

Saving money doesn't have to mean living like a monk. Understand the right and the wrong ways to feather your nest egg.

Secrets to World Travel (and Blogging About It)

There's a lot to know (or rather, to learn) about traveling the world and writing about it. These two books can help you get up and go.

15 Money-Saving Tips Every Parent Should Know

Parents today will spend almost a quarter of a million dollars raising a child to age 18. Trim that cost with these easy money savers.

6 Things That Seem Like Splurges But Are Actually Savvy Buys

Sometimes spending more for "wasteful" products or services turns out to be the best value — in dollars and sense.

8 Ways to Save Money on Entertainment

Sure, times are tough, but that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun. Here are eight ideas that will allow you to enjoy some entertainment and save money, too.

Ask the Readers: Can Someone Be "Too" Wealthy? (Chance to win!)

Is there such a thing as "too wealthy"? Let us know for a chance to win a $20 Amazon GC!

How to Turn $25 a Week Into Almost $7000 in 5 Years

You don't need thousands of dollars to earn real money investing. All you need is $25 a week and a plan — this plan.

The 5 Worst Work From Home Jobs

Working from home to earn extra income is a great way to shore up the family budget. Just don't take any of these dubious "opportunities."

Best Money Tips: Looking for Scholarships

Today, we share tips to make the most of a scholarship search, a list of must-haves for living out of a suitcase, a tasty way to use up leftover ingredients, and more!

Multitasking Sucks Even More Than You Thought

Here's yet another reason to give up on multitasking — plus a simple productivity plan to do instead to help you get stuff done.

10 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Under $15

It’s that time again. Time to panic because you still have gifts to buy. Well, here are 10 last-minute ideas to help you spread cheer without getting an ulcer in the process.

8 Dark-Side Motivations to Start Saving

If the usual motivations to save aren't working (emergencies, big purchases, your future), let your dark side guide your money.

Ready-to-Eat Meals for Weight Loss: Can They Fit into Your Food Budget?

Pre-prepared meals can be a great way to fit back into your old long as you can also fit the meals into your food budget.

Train Now for a Summertime Family Cycling Trip

The days might still be cold and the evenings dark, but winter is the best time to start getting ready for a summer cycling vacation with your family.