Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Ways to Make the Most of a Tiny Kitchen

A tiny kitchen can make cooking seem more unappetizing than two-week-old leftovers. But with some creativity and thought, even the smallest kitchen can be functional and inviting.

Extreme Mileage Hacking: Creative Ways to Earn Flier Miles

If you're think you're doing all you can to earn frequent flier miles, get a bit of inspiration from these talented travelers.

6 Ways Life is Wonderful When You're Debt-Free

Living life free of debt can be really awesome. And we mean really.

15 Common Kitchen Cast-Offs You Can Repurpose Into Cool New Things

There's gold in your kitchen, as long as you know where to look. Try these new, creative uses for stuff most people throw away.

6 Ways Millennials Have Changed Money (So Far)

The kids these days are bringing money matters into the social media age, and reinventing some old tricks along the way.

How to Buy Berkshire Hathaway and Other Blue Chip Stock for 17% Off

Berkshire Hathaway shares are out of most investors' price range. But there's an affordable loophole.

5 Obstacles You Can Expect on Your Journey to Financial Freedom

The road to financial freedom is paved with good intentions — and there are a few potholes along the way, too.

5 ways to get better sleep...TONIGHT!!!

I'm not what you would call "A Good Sleeper." Never have been, at least not as long as I can remember. Since going through a day zombie-like is not fun (and not very

How to Get a Truly Free Credit Report

If you want a truly free credit report, ignore the clever ads and go straight to the source — where there are no strings attached.

5 Reasons Librarian Is Still a Great Career Choice

Somehow libraries are still relevant decades into the Internet-age. If you're looking for a future-proof career, start thinking dusty old tomes.

You Won't Believe How Much These 10 Rare Coins Are Worth

Check your couch and your piggy bank, and if you find any of these super pricey coins, don't waste them on a pack of gum!

Wisdom from My Favorite Frugal TV Character - Julius Rock

My favorite cheap TV character is Julius Rock from Everybody Hate Chris. Julius is a character based on Chris Rock's father and in almost every episode of the show his fruga

10 Budget Design Ideas for a Kids' Playroom

If your kids have made the kitchen or family room into their playroom, reclaim your space with these budget-friendly playroom ideas.

Taco Tuesday: The Inner Mechanics of Budgeting on Vacation

I recently found myself sitting around a dinner table in Hawaii with a number of new traveling acquaintances. We met at the place of accommodation we were staying at, and enjoyed e

Use These Stores' Gift Cards ASAP

Time to dig through the desk drawer. If you have any of these lingering store gift cards, the time to use them may be now or never.

6 Reasons It's Never Too Late for a Career Change

Career stuck in a rut? Climb out!

7 Countries Where You Can Travel on $30 a Day or Less

Travel doesn't have to be expensive — you just need to know where to go, and how to trim the cost.

America Is Back: 4 Economic Predictions for 2015

The U.S. is poised to take off this year. Are you ready to reap the rewards?

What if the Mortgage Interest Deduction Went Away?

What would happen if the mortgage interest deduction were eliminated?

Stuck at the Airport? Relax With These 14 Easy Self-Care Tricks

Being stuck at the airport is no fun, but these self-care moves will keep the stress at bay.