Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Secured Credit Card

It takes credit to build credit — one of life's great ironies. To build a good rating, don't be afraid to turn to a good secured credit card.

How to Find Your New Identity After Retirement

Your job is part of who you are. What happens when you leave it?

How to Avoid the Common Pitfalls of a Family Business

Keeping it all in the family is not always the best choice for small business owners.

13 Cheap Beers to Keep Your Holiday Season Hoppin’

Well, 'tis the season to be merry and enjoy some beers. Here are 13 that are well worth your time, during the winter and beyond.

Here's How Much You'd Have Today if You'd Bought Bitcoins a Few Years Ago

The notorious crypto-currency is notoriously volatile. How much would you have today if you'd invested just $100 in Bitcoins a few years ago?

8 Bad Financial Habits You Should Drop

Bad habits are made to be broken.

The 5 Best Dry Shampoos

Washing hair everyday with regular shampoo can leave it flat and dry. Keep your hair looking its best with one of these best 5 dry shampoos.

10 Lessons From The Inc. 500

Inc. Magazine's annual list of the top 500 fastest growing businesses is out. How does your business measure up?

7 Ways to Get More Value from Your Values

Your company's values, whatever they may be, should be reflected in everything you do. Otherwise, why have them?

10 Ways to Get a Good Workout... Even With Kids Around

Looking after little kids often means failing to lookout for yourself. Combine child care with quick workouts you can do almost anywhere.

Best Money Tips: Tour New York (and Other Big Cities) on a $25 Budget

Today we found articles on how to tour New York with only $25, sales skills that everyone should develop, and easy Christmas treats that you can make for less than $5.

Timely Tax Tips for Small Business Owners

Is it tax time again already? Three experts share tips and advice about getting through tax season unscathed.

What to Do if You're Laid Off Before You Retire

You’ve found yourself out of work before you were ready to retire. Don’t worry! You can make this transition work.

The Ability To Execute Is Your Most Valuable Asset

Stop talking about it, planning for it, dreaming of it and start getting it done.

Get More for Your Old Treadmill by Bartering

If you have exercise equipment you're thinking of selling, hold up — you might be able to get more value for it by bartering.

6 Tips to Win Any Argument

Love it or hate it, conflict is a part of life. Next time you go toe-to-toe, be prepared to win with some tried and true argument winning tactics.

4 False Assumptions That Could Threaten Your Retirement Years

Are you heading for a rough retirement? If you're counting on these things in your golden years, you may be in for a rude awakening.

4 Free Tools To Increase Your Website Conversions

Visitors are visiting your site, but sales aren't as robust as you'd like. Try these free tools to tweak the user experience and generate more conversions.

Best Money Tips: Fit Fitness Into Your Schedule

Today we found some great articles on fitting fitness into your schedule, talking your way to a better raise, and getting your finances in order for 2012.

How to Communicate Effectively

In the age of too much communication, getting your voice heard means keeping your messages clear, simple and direct.