Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

38 Ways to Save Money Without Trying (Much)

A penny saved is a penny earned. Do it over and over and over again and you're talking some serious saving!

10 Healthy, Easy Breakfasts for People on the Go

If you're too rushed to eat breakfast most mornings, don't fret! These healthy morning meals require almost no prep and are easy to eat on your way to work.

Best Money Tips: What's More Dangerous?

Welcome to Wise Bread’s Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we find out if bees or sharks are more dangerous to you and your insurance policy, why good writing matters, and when

9 Careers You Don't Need a Ton of Experience to Start

Want a career that offers a living wage, but doesn't require a bunch of experience or education? You may find the perfect job in this list.

This Is How You Dress Like Don Draper on the Cheap

Used or new, 50s and 60s suits are still fashionable, and actually affordable, if you know where to look. Find out here!

How to Get Your Boss to Let You Work From Home

You waste 200 hours a year commuting to and from work. Convince your boss to let you work from home and relclaim all that wasted time.

Negotiate Your Own Hotel Deal

Taking a vacation is getting more expensive each year. But staying at a hotel doesn't have to break the bank. If you know your way around a desk clerk, you can find or negotiate

7 Ways to Eat More Slowly — and Lose More Weight

Mom's advice to chew each bite 10 times was right. You really can improve your health just by spending more time at the table. Here's how.

5 Ways Airline Travel Sucks — and What You Can Do to Make It Better

Air travel is no picnic these days. Learn to avoid these five common abuses and maybe you'll arrive in a tolerable mood (and almost on time).

The 5 Best Beach Tents

When you're at the beach and the sun gets too hot, it's nice to grab a little shade. Get any of these beach tents and you'll be tucked away from those harsh rays.

7 Ways to Beat the Sunday Blues

Don't let the Sunday blues destroy the end of your precious weekend — or the hectic week ahead.

5 Great Beer Apps to Kick-Start Your Summer

Parched? Handle this summer's heat waves with these apps made just for beer connoisseurs.

5 Dreams You Won't Achieve Unless You Live Below Your Means

By spending less than you earn, you can much more easily achieve big goals in life, from retiring early to finding a job you really love.

The 15 Worst Cities for Frugal People

These 15 international cities are renowned for their culture, vitality, and energy. They're also really, really expensive places to live.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Feed a Family of Four

Today we found some great articles on cheap ways to feed a family of 4, moving up the corporate ladder, and reasons to use your credit card.

6 Skills That Helped Your Boss Get Ahead

Ever wonder how those at the top got there? Follow in their footsteps with these job skills and you will get there, too.

Slow and Steady Wins the Debt Race

When you're in deep debt, bankruptcy can look appealing. However, the long way out of debt is usually the best way to get — and stay — out of debt.

Best Money Tips: You're Probably Already Qualified for These Super Cool Jobs

Today we found articles on the coolest jobs you’re already qualified for, tips for a profitable yard sale, and how to cut down on expenses when you live in a big city.

Frugality: a tactic, but also a goal

I was going to write a piece on how frugality was a tactic, not a goal. The point I wanted to make was that the goal is living the life you want to live, and that frugality is a ta

A second emergency fund you never spend?

I ran across this idea in a book by some financial guru years ago. The book was packed with an odd mix of obvious and kooky ideas, of which this was one of the latter. For some r