Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Internet Sales Taxes Could Change Your Business

Can you imagine registering your business in 7,500 different tax districts? Depending on how sales-tax laws change, you might have to.

7 Steps to Work-Life Balance When Working from Home

If you don't get ahead of your busy schedule, your busy schedule will get ahead of you.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 11/10, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Frugal lessons from our grandparents. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

The 5 Best Sleeping Bags for Kids

Making sure the kiddos are warm while sleeping outdoors isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these sleeping bags for kids and they'll remain all kinds of cozy.

Tax Deductions: The Bright Side Of Failure

Failure can be a stern teacher. Failure can also be a tidy tax write-off.

When Good Food Goes Bad Part IV: Black Beans

Treat your tastebuds to Brazil's most famous, frugal dish: feijoada!

Cheap Ways to Add Big Flavor to Your Food

Make palate-pleasing dishes while minding your wallet with these suggestions for adding big flavor to your meals.

Kmart settles: refunds gift-card fees has announced that Kmart has finally reached a settlement in the gift-card lawsuit. And that could be very good news for you if you had a gift-card issued between May 1st 2004 and the present day. Why the refund? [more]

Six Surefire Office Fundraising Ideas

Trying to raise some scratch for an office party, for charity, or to help out a coworker? Try one of these can't-miss fundraising techniques.

Best Money Tips: 5 Things Every Frugal Person Should Spend Money On

Today we found articles on things every frugal person should spend money on, pantry tips from the pros, and easy ways to save money after you turn 50.

Cheap Ways to Spend a Night Out

Entertaining at home is frugal and great...but sometimes, you just want to leave your house! Here are 15 affordable ways to have an evening out.

How to Build an Emergency Fund By the End of Summer

While you're busy soaking up some rays this summer, find a few easy ways for your emergency fund to soak up some savings!

Honesty Really Is the Best Policy, Especially at Work

When you listen to the news, it can sometimes feel like dishonesty is the only sure way to get ahead. Discover why telling the truth really counts.

3 Unbelievable Real Estate Tax Shelters of the Rich

The rich finding crazy tax loopholes may not surprise you — but you'll be floored by these real estate tax shelters.

The Lincoln Guide to Personal Finance

President Abraham Lincoln invested most of his presidential paychecks in Treasury Bonds. Discover why his method is still good advice today.

The 7 Things Every Frugal Person Should Have In Their Wallet

You never leave home without your wallet — and these seven items should always be inside!

Finding an Internship as an Adult

Just because you're not in college doesn't mean you can't have an internship. And while the pay might not be great, the experience can be.

Book Talk On “The Offsite: A Leadership Challenge Fable”

The Offsite is a quirky quick read, a short novel by leadership consultant Robert H. Thompson. There are no talking animals or inanimate objects that adopt human characteristics a

Ask the Readers: How Do You Get Cool on a Budget?

Tell us how you get cool on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Funding your 401(k) when you're in debt

If there are two pieces of financial advice that get hammered more often than any others, they're "Get out of debt" and "Put enough in your 401(k) to get any corporate match." Wi